Chinese chip sales and other decreased sales volume, Chinese chipsIn the first quarter of this year, manufacturer SMIC fell 13.9%year -on -year, and net profit fell 44.0%year -on -year.According to the company, the revenue in the second quarter is expected to bottom out, but the prospect of recovery is still unclear, and it still maintains the annual guidelines of the year -on -year decline in sales revenue to a decrease of ten digits.

According to the surging news report, the first quarter results disclosed by SMIC International on Thursday (May 11) showed that the operating income during the period was 10.2 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1.95 billion), about 1.95 billion yuan), and about 1.95 billion yuan), about 1.95 billion yuan), andCompared with the same period of the previous year, it fell 13.9%, and the US dollar declined by 9.8%; net profit was 1.59 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 44.0%; net profit attributable to mothers was 876 million yuan, a decrease of 66.3%year -on -year, and the gross profit margin was 20.8%.

SMIC said that the decline in net profit is mainly due to the decrease in wafer sales and the decline in capacity utilization.The company said that the sales revenue in the first quarter was slightly better than guidelines, and the gross profit margin was in the upper part of the guidance.According to reports, SMIC's previous quarterly performance guidelines are expected to decrease by 10%to 12%from the previous month, and gross profit margin is expected to fall to 19%to 21%.

SMIC expects that the expected capacity utilization rate and shipment volume in the second quarter of this year are higher than the first quarter, and the sales revenue is expected to increase by 5%to 7%from the previous month.Decrease; gross profit margin is expected to be between 19%and 21%.

The company said that looking forward to the whole year of 2023, although the revenue in the second quarter, the revenue was picked up, but the recovery in the second half of the year was not clear. Overall, the market has not been seen.The guidance remains unchanged, that is, the year -on -year decrease of sales revenue decreased to a decrease of ten digits, and the gross profit margin was about 20%.

Due to the weakening of market demand and the restrictions on export control in China in October last year, SMIC's revenue has fallen from the fourth quarter of last year, ending the growth of seven consecutive quarters.