Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of China State Council on Thursday (May 11), met with Lian Shengwen, deputy chairman of the Kuomintang who visited Shaanxi's tomb sweeping, said that he must adhere to the "1992 consensus", oppose "Taiwan independence", and maintain the Taiwan Strait.Peace and stability, promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Song Tao met with Lian Shengwen in Xi'an on Thursday, and asked Lian Shengwen to convey the greetings of the former Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Song Tao said that Xi Jinping pointed out that Taiwan is Taiwan in China.To solve the problem of Taiwan is a matter of Chinese people, it is decided by the Chinese.We must adhere to the "1992 Consensus", oppose the "Taiwan independence" division and interference of external forces, maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits, promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, promote the great cause of the motherland, and seek the well -being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and to revive the Chinese nation.History and people will not forget to all Taiwan compatriots who contribute to the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.

The press release of Xinhua News Agency said that Lian Shengwen conveyed Lien Chan's greetings to Xi Jinping, saying that the two sides of the strait should adhere to the "1992 consensus", oppose "Taiwan independence", strengthen exchanges and cooperation, maintain the peace of Taiwan, and benefit compatriots on both sides of the strait.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Lian Shengwen's office issued a press release on Wednesday that Lian Shengwen and their sisters will set off on the afternoon of the 10th to Xi'an, Shaanxi.Grandpa Mrs. Shen, Mrs.

Lian Shengwen's office said that Lian Shengwen's great -grandfather Lian Yatang was sleeping in Taishan, New Taipei City, while the great -grandmother was buried in Qingliang Temple in Xi'an, Shaanxi.Therefore, since the Journey to the Lieutenant War in 2005, the Lian family dispatched brothers and sisters to Xi'an to sweep the grave sweeping in Xi'an every year.In the past four years, due to the impact of the epidemic, he could not move forward. Therefore, after the unblocking of mainland China, he arranged for this trip to worship the ancestors.

Lian Shengwen's Office pointed out that because the direct flight points of the cross -strait direct flights have not yet been fully opened, they must go to Xi'an through the way of turning. It is expected that the whole process will return to Taiwan for four days.Because the schedule is short -term and the transfer fee is time -consuming, there is no extra time to visit friends who have disappeared for many years due to the epidemic.