(Shanghai Comprehensive News) China has strengthened the sensitive information of supervision. Following consulting companies and due diligence companies, Chinese domestic securities companies have been required to strengthen the spread of sensitive information.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Chinese regulators required domestic securities companies to not leak and spread unbiased information that may have a significant impact on the market.

China Regulatory Institution issued a notice to various securities companies after conducting a on -site inspection of 300 research reports of 45 securities companies.

Surging news reports, reporting requirements, information obtained by analysts through research, expert interviews, etc., should verify the legal compliance of the information, and shall not be able to confirm the information writing of the source of the source.Market rumors that cannot be determined as a basis for research conclusions will be unable to determine authenticity.

In addition, the production and release of securities analysts should be based on compliance, objective, and solid data foundations and full facts. Especially when important sensitive information involved may have a high degree of sensitivity on the market, it should be highly sensitive.

Reuters reports that China's regulatory agencies have issued relevant notices that at the time of the Beijing government launched anti -espionage activities, assault inspections and due diligence companies.

Kaisheng Rongying is one of the counseling companies that have been searched.

Kaisheng Rongying issued a statement on Wednesday (10th) saying that Chinese national security organs punished the company and put forward rectification requirements.Kaisheng Rongying promised to abide by China's national security regulations and set up committee management compliance issues.

The consulting company headquartered in New York and Shanghai said that he deeply realized that he failed to fully fulfill the responsibility of national security in the past business activities. There was a major hidden danger and loopholes, which caused serious harm to China's national security.

In recent months, many foreign consultations and due diligence companies have been investigated, including Mintz Group and Bain Co, and Japanese Pharmaceutical Factory Anstela Pharmaceutical (Astellas Pharma).