Officials of the China National Food and Material Reserve emphasized that the current domestic soybean supply of China is sufficient, the imported soybean food sources are sufficient, and the market purchase and sales are generally stable.

According to Surging News, Lu Jingbo, deputy director of the China National Food and Material Reserve, said at a press conference that the Chinese soybean market has two sources of domestic and imported channels, domestic productionSoybean is mainly used for consumption, with an annual consumption of 13 to 15 million tons. Domestic production can fully meet demand. Imported soybean is mainly used as oil and feed. Soymail after oil squeezing is used as feed production raw materials.

Lu Jingbo said that the current situation of the Chinese soybean market can be summarized as "two sufficient, one stable", that is, the supply of domestic soybeans is sufficient, the imported soybean grains are sufficient, and the market purchase and sales are generally stable.

He further mentioned that from the domestic perspective, Chinese soybean production reached a record high in 2022, exceeding 20 million tons, and there is still about 5 million tons after consumption.Loose, laid a good foundation for China's overall use of two international and domestic markets to meet domestic consumption.

From the perspective of the market purchase and sale, at the end of March, the purchase of soybean peak season was over. The main production area entered the unified enterprise to acquire a total of 4.18 million tons of Xindou, an increase of 1.71 million tons year -on -year.At the same time, the relevant departments in the early stage of the main production area in Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia started the new season domestic soybean acquisition work, which stabilized market expectations.

对于如何增强大豆消费供应链的稳定性和韧性,卢景波谈到有关部门采取的一些措施,包括提高国产大豆生产水平和供给能力,完善大豆生产者补贴相关政策措施,让Farmers grow soybeans have benefits and affordable.

In addition, the official also implemented agricultural product processing and improvement actions, guiding large enterprises to develop and deep processing, and build well -known domestic soybeans; and advocate residents' healthy diet and guide edible vegetable oil and consumption.

Lu Jingbo also said that China also strengthened its imports and enhanced international cooperation through stable imports. While stabilizing the traditional bean source market, it opened up the emerging bean source market and promoted the diversification of import sources.