Shanghai, a large Chinese city in Shanghai, received a total of 15.6494 million tourists during the "May 1st" holiday this year, achieving tourism revenue of 18.897 billion yuan (below, about S $ 3.635 billion).

According to the surging news report, the Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau revealed on Wednesday (May 3) that the above data was monitored by Shanghai Tourism Big Data.

Data also show that the main tourist attractions in Shanghai received a total of 6.38 million tourists during the five -day holiday, resumed until the same period of 2019.

According to the above -view news report, the monitoring of the consumer market big data laboratory (Shanghai) shows that the online and offline consumption payment amount of Shanghai during the May holiday was 58.94 billion yuan.

Among them, the consumption of the catering industry is 6.26 billion yuan, an increase of 70%over the same period in 2021.