Chinese respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan believes that the crown disease epidemic has developed to the present stage, and wearing a mask can become a non -enriched measure. It is recommended that after AprilEssence

According to China Southern Network, the academician of the Academy of Engineering Zhong Nanshan said at a seminar on Friday (March 31) that in the past three years, wearing a mask is an effective means of preventing diseases."The crowd is exposed to pathogens such as influenza for a long time, and the nasal cavity lacks stimulation, which is not good for the formation of the natural immunity of the human body. After entering April, if the conditions permit, it is recommended not to wear a mask."The subways in Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Nanjing no longer make compulsory requirements for passengers wearing masks, and they can travel normally without wearing a mask.

China's official announcement earlier this month that teachers and students of universities and primary and secondary schools did not force to wear masks during the school.In terms of childcare institutions, the kindergarten did not wear a mask during the garden, and the faculty staff did not force the mask during the garden.

Academician Zhong Nanshan also predicts that the peak of crown disease will appear in the future, but it will not be nationwide. It is said that the development of new drugs and vaccines will not be interrupted and can be prepared.In order to better cope with the peak of possible new waves of epidemic, China is developing a coronary vaccine for new mutant strains and is expected to be available in a few months.