The resident population of Guangdong Province, the province of China, decreased by 272,000 last year.

According to the surging news report, with the 2022 Guangdong National Economic and Social Development Statistics Communist Party officially announced on Friday (March 31). At present, at least 28 provinces have announced the permanent population data at the end of last year.Of these, 17 provinces have achieved positive growth in the permanent population, and 11 provinces are negative growth, including Guangdong Province.

According to the statistical bulletin, at the end of 2022, the permanent population of the province in Guangdong was 126.568 million, of which 94.654 million resident population was 94.79 million, accounting for 74.79%of the permanent population (urbanization rate), which was 0.16 from the end of the previous year.One percentage point.There were 1.0520 million people in the year, with a birth rate of 8.30 ‰; the death population was 63 million, and the mortality rate was 4.97 ‰; the natural growth population was 422 million, and the natural growth rate was 3.33 ‰. At the end of 2021, the permanent population of Guangdong Province was 126.84 million.

This also means that Guangdong's resident population decreased by 272,000 last year.

Among the provinces known to be known for the negative growth of 11 permanent population, Liaoning decreased by 324,000, Hebei decreased by 280,000, Guangdong decreased by 272,000, Heilongjiang decreased by 260,000, Hunan decreased by 180,000135,400, Henan decreased by 110,000, Tianjin decreased by 100,000, Shandong decreased by 72,000, Beijing decreased by 43,000, and Xinjiang decreased by 20,000.

At present, the changes in the resident population of Jilin, Ningxia, and Tibet have not been announced.