In the early days of sealing the city, logistics was blocked, supplied, and there were hundreds of epidemic prevention.The Shanghai Proposal published by the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce in February shows that about 25 % of the Germans evacuated after the unblocking of Shanghai last year, and the French and Italian registered in the Shanghai Consulate also decreased by 20 %.The President of the EU Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Branch said that Shanghai face the crisis of decline in business confidence and the loss of foreign talents.

The day before Puxi's sealing control, Wu Shihui (a pseudonym, 38 years old), a stage opera producer who worked in Puxi, remembered that he went out to purchase materials."I also felt my true wisdom at the time. The government said for four days, but I had a weeks of dishes."

On April 1st a year ago, 25 million Shanghai residents began to unseal the countdown like Wu Shihui, but saw the countdown unit changed from heaven to Zhou, and then from Zhou to Moon.Two months to seal the city has caused this international metropolis to be unprecedented, and the life trajectory of many Shanghai residents has also changed.

The crown disease epidemic that was outbreak in Shanghai in March 2022 was triggered by the mutant strains of Omikon. The infected person exceeded 36,000 people in one month.The strong strain was defeated in front of the strains.

After repeated reiterations of the city, the Shanghai official has turned sharply on March 27, and announced that the Huangpu River will be used in batches to implement seal control and nucleic acid screening in batches the next day.On April 1, Puxi entered the sealing control, and Pudong, which was originally unblocked on the day, was still in the closed control, marking the beginning of Shanghai's comprehensive city closure.

On April 2nd, then Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chunlan arrived in Shanghai to investigate the epidemic prevention and ordered the "dynamic clearing zero" policy to be hesitant.The official launching the city's largest nucleic acid screening, the original sealing period also extended.At the same time, nearly 40,000 medical staff in various places reinforce Shanghai to assist this financial center to achieve "zero society in society."

Shanghai's economic falling 0.2 % last year

The beginning of this is roughly similar to the sea in Wuhan in early 2020.The difference is that Wuhan's 76 -day sealing of the city has achieved new cases clearing, effectively curbing the spillover of the epidemic, which also makes China the earliest major economy in the world to affect the first wave of epidemic.After the unblocking and announced the "Great Shanghai Defense War" in Shanghai in June, the crown disease epidemic still spread rapidly across China.

The confinement of this one after another failed to effectively curb the epidemic, but had a greater impact on the economy and society.In 2022, Shanghai's annual economy fell 0.2 %, and Jilin lived in only two economically shrinking provincial administrative regions in China.In the same period, the Chinese economy also increased by only 3 %, which was far lower than official goals for many years.

Fengcheng decided to suffer controversy by public opinion. Wu Shihui, who had lived in the UK for many years, told the United Morning Post that London also experienced several rounds of control in London in the first year of the epidemic.Scolding. Most of the policies introduced in the first year of the British epidemic are also very headache. "

She turned around: "However, when the outbreak of the Shanghai epidemic was outbreak, it was difficult to stop the spread of Omikon.

In the early days of sealing the city, the logistics was blocked, the supplies were scarce, and the illness was full of epidemic prevention.Liu Zhihua, a Singaporean designer living in Shanghai, recorded the magical life of the "Magic Capital" in more than 60 comics.After the unblocking in Shanghai in June, Liu Zhihua gathered comic works into a book, and left Shanghai a month later to Singapore.

56 -year -old Liu Zhihua said in an interview that until the week before Shanghai unblocking, he could not see the end of the city, which made him miss his loved ones and his hometown."Fengcheng cracked down on people's confidence in Shanghai. Even after a year later, the policy turned and the gates of China became bigger and bigger, but many Singaporeans in Shanghai still have a lot of heart."

However, Liu Zhihua still plans to return to Shanghai soon.He said that there are still job opportunities in Shanghai, and there are friends who want to see. "I also want to verify some news reports by themselves to see if people live well now."

After the unblocking, Shanghai busy investment promotion

One year later, the nuclear acid pavilion at the end of the street was demolished, and the health code was unattended. The subway no longer asked to wear a mask.The daily report of the official WeChat signal of the Shanghai Municipal Government is no longer the number of new cases, but the secretary of the CPC Municipal Party Committee Chen Jining and the mayor Gong Zheng to meet foreign -funded enterprises to encourage them to expand investment.

But the Shanghai Proposal published by the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce in February shows that about 25 % of the Germans evacuated after the unblocking of Shanghai last year.

Bettina Schoen-Behanzin, President of the EU Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview that the sealed city damaged Shanghai's international reputation and made companies more concerned about the government may take similarly without warning again without warning again without warning.Audit.Although the exchanges between China and Europe have increased significantly in the past few months and various types of visas have been restored, Shanghai still faces the crisis of decline in business confidence and the loss of foreign talents."This city now needs to rebuild trust and show that China hopes to become an important business destination."

After extending more than half a year, the stage play produced by Wu Shihui was finally staged in February this year.However, she admits that the ecology of Chinese drama has changed a lot in the past three years, and it is becoming more and more commercialized.And Shanghai is no longer the original Shanghai.

"As a Shanghai native, I have always felt that the city is naturally open and free. After the city seal, it has added respect to the people who have jointly seized the city in Shanghai. This city can be survived.Residents of this city. "

Liu Zhihua posted the comics during the Fengcheng period in the chat group with neighbors.A neighbor replied: "I'm trying to forget this time last year."

Liu Zhihua asked, how did the effort?The other party replied: "Unfortunately, it is printed in the bones, never worn out."