In addition to trade investment, the two countries also signed five areas of food safety, international commercial disputes, water and environmental research, cultural and artistic exchanges, wetland and mangrove protection on Saturday.Memorandum of understanding.

新加坡和中国在新总理李显龙访华期间签署七份谅解备忘录,双方也在星期六(4月1日)发表的联合声明中说,期待加强在贸易投资、绿色和数字经济、粮食安全、Comprehensive innovation cooperation in finance and other fields.

After meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Saturday, the two witnessed the new memorandum of understanding of the new Chinese signing, including confirming the memorandum of understanding of the follow -up negotiations of the two countries to upgrade the subsequent negotiations of the two countries.

The new China Free Trade Agreement is the cornerstone of bilateral economic cooperation in New Central China, providing a legal basis for supporting the economic connection of New China.According to the promotion of the new China Free Trade Agreement in 2018, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore and the Ministry of Commerce of China launched a follow -up negotiation in 2020.

Subsequent negotiations have improved the chapters of service and investment in the new China Free Trade Agreement, and also joined the new telecommunications service chapter.

This will bring Singapore and Chinese investors and service providers that seek to invest and trade with each other, bring more close -aggressive business, freedom and transparency, making competition more fair and improving market access.

Minister of Trade and Industry, Yan Jinyong and Minister of Commerce of China, signed relevant documents on Saturday.Yan Jinyong said that the subsequent negotiations to complete the upgrade of the new China Free Trade Agreement in essence are an important milestone, showing the close and long -term bilateral economic cooperation, and the two parties continue to be committed to free trade and rules -based trade systems; improving the new China Free TradeThe agreement will also benefit from the two countries.

In addition to trade investment, the two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding of food safety, international commercial disputes, water and environmental scientific research, cultural and artistic exchanges, wetlands and mangrove protection on Saturday.

Li Xianlong also witnessed the memorandum of understanding of Singapore's cooperation and personnel exchanges with the Beijing Embassy in China and the Beijing Municipal Government with Yin Li, the Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Friday (March 31).

The joint statement published by Singapore and China on Saturday's comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership also said that based on the high -quality and forward -looking of bilateral cooperation, the two parties look forward to strengthening the new China and China in trade and investment, green and green, andDigital economy, food security, finance, aviation, and humanistic exchanges are comprehensive innovative cooperation. The two parties will cooperate in new fields such as digital transformation to increase efficiency, and focus on the development of new growth opportunities in the future.

The two parties will also make full use of the existing annual new and China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China -China council joint agencies (JCBC) and eight local economic and trade councils to expand new cooperation areas.

New China is restoring civil aviation services to pre -epidemic level

Li Xianlong also mentioned in an interview with the Singapore media before the end of the visit to China on Saturday that the new China is restoring civil aviation services, allowing aviation interconnection to restore the level before the epidemic.

Li Xianlong said that the current aviation services between the new China only return to 40 % before the epidemic, and Singapore is also discussing with China, hoping to accelerate and increase personnel flow.

China has resumed the policies of visa -free entry in Hainan from 59 countries including Singapore from March 15th, but the 15 -day visa -exemption policy of Singaporean tourists who has suspended during the epidemic period has not resumed.

Li Xianlong said that the restrictions on personnel are not enough flights; on the other hand, because China has not completely canceled visa restrictions on entry tourists.Li Xianlong revealed that when he met with Li Qiang, he also mentioned this, and Li Qiang said he would study this issue.

Li Xianlong said: "I think the Chinese will also want to travel. We look forward to seeing them at the Binhai Bay, and Merlion also looks forward to taking a photo with them."

Let the Yaxian country have space to safeguard its own interests Li Xianlong: benefit China to develop economic and trade relations

The more China may deal with the way of treating the Asianan country, so that they have space to ensure that their own interests are respected and maintained fairly, and the more likely to Asia, the more likely to promote trade and investment with China.

Li Xianlong was interviewed by accompanying Singapore media before ending the trip to China on Saturday (April 1).When talking about the relationship between China and Asia, he said that the Asianan country hopes to maintain a good relationship with China and the United States, and China also hopes to maintain a good relationship with the Asianan country.

He pointed out that in order to make the Asianan country more comfortable to establish a good relationship with China, there are quite a lot of China.

Li Xianlong explained that the relationship between trade and investment is part of the overall relationship between Ya'an and China. The overall relationship between the two parties also includes various problems that will occur from time to time, and other problems that will occur from time to time."How to deal with these problems determines the big climate of economic cooperation."

Li Xianlong believes that the volume of all Asianan countries is much smaller than China. The more it is possible for China to create and deal with the way of treating the Asian country, giving them space, and allowing their interests to be fair and protected.It is easy to further promote investment and trade with China, and make the economic relations between the two parties more prosperous.

Li Xianlong said that the people who talked to him agreed in principle, but in practice, it still depends on specific things. When the need to bargain, the negotiator must make efforts.

He said: "But I think such a mentality may allow countries to choose from a turbulent world to maintain work relationships, mutual trust, and coexistence, because whether we are willing or not, we are all neighbors and for a long time.Partner. "

Lee Xianlong: I hope that China and the United States will not let Yaiman choose the edge

Li Xianlong also hopes that the tension and dilemma of Sino -US relations will not affect the relationship between the two countries and Asians. It is hoped that China and the United States are based on the benefits brought by the development relationship with the Asian dimension.We are efficient and can appreciate, not because they want us to stand on one side of their (of which), not the other side. "

When talking about Sino -US relations, Li Xianlong believes that the situation is "very worrying", and the current trend means that trade will not be as restrained as before. If this trend continues, it means trade, investment, economic opportunities and domestic domesticGDP (GDP) will be reduced.

He said that this is only the impact of decourse on trade and investment. If the impact on scientific and technological innovation and creativity is calculated, the impact is far more than that, so the cost is very high.

Li Xianlong believes that China and the United States will not necessarily fall into war, and trade between the two countries will not return to zero. Although there are many problems, China and the United States last year still hit $ 700 billion (931.5 billionSingapore) Xin Gao, both parties still have to do business and contact; however, the arena will not be as flat or fair as in the past, but there will be unnecessary obstacles and gaps. "This is what the world will become."

He hopes that countries around the world can continue to work together under the framework of the WTO, realizing that it is necessary to consider national security and guarantee the toughness of the supply chain, and cannot rely on any specific partners, but also formulate some basic rules.

Li Xianlong believes that it takes a period of time to determine the new rules and stabilize the new framework. "During this period, we have to tie a good belt, bite our teeth, and work hard."