After the National People's Congress of China (National People's Congress and the CPPCC) was held, many provinces in China held a conference to deploy the optimized business environment.

According to the surging news Saturday (April 1), after the two national sessions ended in March, Jiangsu, Hainan, Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Zhejiang and other places had held private enterprise symposiums, implemented special actionsMethods to optimize the business environment.

In the above -mentioned optimized business environment conference, the "first leaders" of multiple provinces emphasize the importance of optimizing the business environment.Xin Changxing, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, proposed at the meeting that the business environment directly affects corporate confidence, the development of business entities, and affects the quality of development.

The two "sufficient" conferences of the Optimized Business Environment Conference of Liaoning Province are mentioned: fully understand the extreme importance and realistic urgency of the business environment for the realization of new breakthroughs in Liaoning to achieve a new breakthrough in Liaoning.The business environment is the key move to promote high -quality development, the urgent need to stimulate the vitality of the business subject, and the common will of the province's cadres and the masses.

Hao Peng, secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, also specifically stated: "Those who destroy our business environment are to destroy our revitalization and development of Liaoning, to destroy the future of Liaoning, and to destroy the happy life of our Liaoning people.Therefore, for these issues, we must have zero tolerance and politeness. The adjustment of the adjustment, the removal of the dismissal, the dismissal of the resignation. "

for specific measures to optimize the business environment, many provinces are mentioned in many provinces.By the time, it is constructed to build a pro -government relationship, simplifying administration and decentralization, and improving the quality of service.

Jiangsu proposed that we must adhere to the "five environmental construction" integration. The policy environment is more comprehensive, the market environment is fair and orderly, the government environment is highly efficient and convenient.Professional business.

Liaoning proposed that it is necessary to focus on solving the prominent problems of business entities.See the true chapter on the faithful promise, resolutely achieve "honesty, understand the rules, and discipline", continue to resolve the amount of dishonesty, curb the increasing credit increase, and effectively solve the problem of historical leftover.