China Science and Technology Giant Huawei's 2022 fiscal revenue was 642.3 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 124.2 billion), an increase of 0.9%; net profit was 35.6 billion yuan, a decrease of 68.7%.Huawei Vice Chairman Meng Wanzhou said at the 2022 annual financial report conference on Friday (March 31) that the company's operations still faced greater pressure in 2022. Generally speaking, operating performance meets expectations.

Comprehensive reports from the Beijing News and Surging News, Meng Wanzhou, who is also the chief financial officer of Huawei, said: "In 2022, the total cost of research and development of Huawei was 161.5 billion yuan, and the R & D cost rate was 25.1%, which was at a historical high level.. Facing the future, we have pressure and confidence. "

Meng Wanzhou said that at the end of 2022, Huawei's asset -liability ratio was 58.9%, net cash balance was 176.3 billion yuan, and the total assets of nearly trillions of trillion yuanIn the scale, high -liquid assets such as cash, short -term investment, and operating assets constitute the main part of the assets. The financial status continues to stable and has strong toughness and elasticity.

Xu Zhijun, the chairman of Huawei's rotating chairman, said: "Looking back at 2022, the severe external environment and non -market factors continue to affect the company's operations. In the storm, we are continuing to ensure thatThe support and services of customers; we also strive to play more food, so that ourselves can survive and lay the foundation for future development. "

In 2022, Huawei realizes sales revenue in the operating business field.At 284 billion yuan, Huawei's enterprise business achieved sales revenue of 133.2 billion yuan, and the terminal business achieved sales revenue of 214.5 billion yuan.

According to the announcement issued by the Huawei website, Meng Wanzhou will be the chairman of the rotating chairman from April 1, 2023 until September 30.During the duty period, the rotating chairman is the company's highest leader, presiding over the company's board of directors and the board of directors.

At the Huawei financial report conference on Friday, in response to the question of whether it is impactful to the United States on a business trip, Meng Wanzhou responded that with the judge's approval of the police's withdrawal application, her personal case was ended.She said that Huawei entered 170 markets in the world, and each employee of the company will arrange a normal business trip according to the needs of the work and the work plan.She and her team are loyal to their jobs at work and serve customers.