(Beijing Comprehensive News) 16 provinces in China fell into a negative growth in the population in 2022.

According to the First Fiscal and Economics on Friday (March 24), China has announced the birth rate, mortality and natural growth rate in 2022.Among them, five provinces have a natural population growth rate from positive and negative, and the national average of the birth rate of more than 6.77 ‰ in the nine provinces only exceeds 6.77 ‰.Of these nine provinces, seven are provinces with low urbanization rates in the central and western regions, and only Hainan and Fujian are from the east.

Some scholars have analyzed that due to the influence of traditional clan and fertility culture, the willingness to fertility in some areas of Fujian, coupled with the less influence of family planning policies in Fujian, has formed an inertia with a higher fertility rate.However, the birth rate of Fujian in 2022 also decreased by 1.19 thousand points year -on -year.

China National Bureau of Statistics earlier data showed that the population of China in 2022 decreased by 850,000 compared with 2021, which was the first time in more than 60 years.