China's development is a major change for the global system. Other countries must accept that China today is no longer China, and China must be able to adjust its position in the world.

Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong responded to the question of how the world adapts and included in China in an exclusive interview with CCTV high -end interview programs.

According to a complete interview with the Singapore Prime Minister's Office, Li Xianlong pointed out that in the past, China ’s share in global trade was only about 2 % or 3 %, and now it has reached 15 % to 20 %. China also accounts for the total global production total.18 % of the value, which is a huge change for China and other countries in the world.

Li Xianlong said that from an objective perspective, the improvement of more than 1.4 billion people's life is a good thing.But from the perspective of operating, how can we make such changes in such changes without tension, misunderstandings and difficulties?Tension, misunderstandings and difficulties can cause some new problems that are difficult to solve.

"This requires the wisdom of politicians, a lot of mutual concessions, and a lot of cooperation with other countries, and both parties must make adjustments. Other countries must accept that China today is no longer China.The contribution is greater and the say in international affairs is even greater. "

Li Xianlong believes that China must also realize that for some of the time when some Chinese economies are relatively small, "some countries will say, 'It is a developed economy and is not so developed, so we can relax some ofRequires, make some concessions, allow it to do something beyond the commonly applicable rules ''.

Li Xianlong does not deny: "Some concessions need to be re -considered, and China also needs to be able to adjust its position in the world. This is not easy for both parties, but I think it is absolutely necessary to do so because the world cannot bear China in China.Conflict with other countries in the world, especially in conflict between China and the United States. "

When talking about Sino -US relations, Li Xianlong urged the two countries step by step, stabilizing the relationship between the two countries, and gradually established trust, and gradually tried to move forward.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky was originally scheduled to visit China in early February, but it was temporarily canceled due to balloon storms.Li Xianlong called on the two countries to establish a contact and hoped that the situation would be stable without any accidents, and then gradually improved the relationship.

But he also said, "This takes time. This is not easy. Both sides are facing political pressure."