(Hong Kong News) According to Hong Kong media reports, well -known Chinese military writers, former political commissions of the National Defense University, and General Air Force Liu Asia involved serious economic corruption issues or were sentenced to death.

According to the report, Liu Asia has been investigated in the case in the past two years, but it has not been explained in detail.Recently, sources from Beijing have confirmed that Liu Yaia was suspected of gathered huge wealth in the name of the foundation and associations, caught in serious corruption, and may be sentenced to two years of execution.

Liu Ya, who is 70 years old, joined the army in 1968, started publishing works in 1978. He joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1984. Since 1997Wait.He served as a political commissar of the National Defense University in Defense in Defense in early 2017.

Liu Asia was famous for his military theme in his early years. Since the 21st century, he has published a series of works on national and military strategies.In the era of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the time disadvantages were often written, and in the intellectual world, there was a positive image of "worrying about the country and the people".However, in 2021, he reported a bizarre disappearance, and unconfirmed the news that he had been arrested in Beijing.

Sources pointed out that the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had previously launched a survey of Liu Asia and recently entered the case of the case.The case mainly involves the foundation and associations established by his family, and received huge donations from relevant persons.A Beijing source mentioned that Liu Ya's wife and former Chinese chairman Li Xiaonian Li Xiaolin "safe and not affected".