With the continuity of the society, the Macau government announced that the Macau Health Code System will be officially suspended from March 27, but it will not be removed for the time being, and the relevant inquiries are still retained.

The Macau new coronary virus infection coordination center, on Thursday (March 23) to report the above information on the official website.

Stocking Coordination Center said that since March 14, Macau has canceled people who live in Hong Kong when they leave the country to present the Macau health code when they leave the country. ThereforeIt was officially suspended from March 27, but it will not be removed for the time being.The homepage has a "system stop" text prompt, and the conventional (self -funded) nucleic acid test appointment and new coronal virus test results declaration and query platform links are retained.

The Stock -Coordination Center emphasizes that after the Macau health code system is discontinued, all Macau health code personal data, declaration records, application registration materials, the record records of residents uploaded, the place code records of the site, etc.data.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the Office of the Hong Kong Information Science and Technology Director has been announced on March 14. With the full customs clearance of the two places in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong health code system has stopped operation and completed the deletion system.All user information, including travel records uploaded by "peaceful travel", emphasized that all arrangements strictly follow the relevant requirements under the privacy regulations.