In response to the benefits of Taiwan businessmen's suggestions, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, said that after the unity of the two sides of the strait, everything is based on the "one China principle" and "1992 consensus".negotiable.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Taiwan United Daily, and Zhongshi News Network, etc.For more than 20 representatives of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan youths in the Symposium on the Shangtai Youth.Song Tao, the director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the above statements at the meeting.

Song Tao said at the symposium that Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, pointed out in a session of the 14th National People's Congress that the realization of the entire unity of the motherland is the common wish of all Chinese children, and the question of national rejuvenation.The meaning.It is necessary to implement the overall strategy of the Chinese Communist Party to solve the problem of Taiwan in the new era, adhere to a Chinese principle and the "1992 consensus", resolutely anti -"independence" to promote unification, and actively promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.

Song Tao said that at present, the stability of the mainland's economy has been obvious, and the development prospects are bright. I hope that the majority of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan youths will seize the opportunity, continue to integrate into the new development pattern, participate in high -quality development, and comprehensively advance in Chinese -style modernization.To achieve better development in historical opportunities and contribute to national rejuvenation.

Song Tao visited Kunshan, who invested in the Town of Taiwan for the first time on Wednesday and discussed with 20 Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan Youth.Song Tao pointed out that the mainland's economy has been better for a long time, and it is still the best choice for Taiwan business and Taiwan Enterprise Xingye.

He said that the trend of cross -strait exchanges and cooperation is unstoppable.In the small three links on both sides of the strait, the land side took measures to promote Taiwan to resume flights. At the same time, according to the requirements of the Taiwan compatriots, it also restored Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products to the mainland.

He said that Taiwanese farmers have received a lot of petitions, and some are also stamped with handprints. I hope that the product can return to land. This part of the mainland has responded."Because as long as it can take care of the Taiwan compatriots, (the mainland) will do its best."

Song Tao emphasized that "the well -being of Taiwan compatriots is still a national unity and national rejuvenation. It is hoped that Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwanese enterprises will contribute to the unified motherland."He also alleged that Taiwan independence and peace and fires were incomparable to the interests of the majority of Taiwan compatriots.

Sun Decong, the president of Kunshan Taiwanese businessmen, suggested at the meeting that before the Taiwan election in 2024, the mainland should try to talk about "the unity of both sides of the strait" as much as possible. This will only allow the DPP to score.The benefits after the unification allow the people of Taiwan to understand that the unity between the two sides of the strait is only good for everyone.

Sun Decong said that Taiwan rely on votes to leave the regime, as long as some voters in the middle are firmly grasped, "the tough voice of the mainland is talked about to Taiwan independence.Pats, I think it is impossible. "

In this regard, Song Tao responded that it can be negotiated by compatriots on both sides of the strait to unify what the background compatriots hope to get. What are the official requirements for (Beijing)?You can discuss it, "We will fully respect the willingness and needs of Taiwan compatriots and let Taiwan compatriots feel the benefits of unity."