For more than a month, Zhao Lijian, a Chinese wolf diplomatic representative, has not appeared in the public vision.Just when the outside world was curious about his current situation, the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs replaced Zhao Lijian's position silently, showing that he had been transferred to the deputy director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and spokesman to the deputy director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy Director of the Marine Affairs Department.

Among the three deputy director of the Border and Marine Affairs Department, Zhao Lijian's name ranked first.In the past, he was the deputy director of the Journalism Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but in the column of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, only Hua Chunying, the director of the news Department, Wang Wenbin, and Mao Ning, the director of the news department, Zhao Lijian was not among them.The last time he presided over a press conference as a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on December 2, 2022.

For Zhao Lijian's no longer the spokesman, some analysts believe that this is not an ordinary transfer, but it is more like a marginalization, and it may even be a signal that China has given up attacking diplomacy.Some analysts believe that from the perspective of the ranking of the deputy director, Zhao Lijian has been promoted, and this time the transfer can enrich his resume. In addition, Zhao Lijian is still young at the age of 50 this year.

Zhao Lijian's horizontal eyebrow war wolf career

Zhao Lijian first appeared on the international stage as a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in February 2020. At that time, the epidemic was out of control in Wuhan, China, and began to spread globally.Western countries such as the United States have accused China of requesting China to release more information about the virus, and the virus is leaked from the Wuhan Laboratory.

At this critical moment, Zhao Lijian went to the post of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and often criticized Europe and the United States.Many Western media commented that Zhao Lijian's fierce words have aggravated the confrontation between China and the West.For example, when the Australian government responded to the United States in 2020, during an international investigation of the origin of crown diseases, Zhao Lijian reprinted a painting called a peace division on Twitter, and satirized that the Australian Defense Forces killed Afghan civilians and prisoners and triggered a diplomatic dispute between China and Australia.He spared no effort when he countered Europe and the United States, and also hinted that crown disease was brought into China by soldiers who participated in the 2019 Wuhan Military Games.

On November 30, 2020, Zhao Lijian reprinted a painting named peace teacher on Twitter, saying that Australia killed citizens in Afghanistan and caused strong opposition to Australia.(Zhao Lijian pushed Twitter)

In the early days of a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Lijian had more than 240,000 fans.In the past three years as a spokesman, his Twitter followers have exceeded 1.98 million, and the number of personal Weibo fans has reached 7.64 million.His straightforward speaking style has attracted a large group of supporters in the early days of the epidemic. However, as China has three years of strict management and control policies gradually stirring the rebound of people's conditions, Zhao Lijian's image and reputation have gradually changed.

Stealing the hot stalk

At a regular press conference on the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 30, 2021, Zhao Lijian said to foreign reporters present: The Chinese people can say that the strategic victory of the anti -epidemic situation has achieved a strategic victory of the anti -epidemic.Including these foreign journalists here, you can live in China during the fight against the epidemic!

Countries around the world have abandoned control and control at the end of 2021, and transferred to the normal life of coexisting with crown diseases.China ’s rigorous clearing policy has adhered to three years, bringing great inconvenience to the lives of the people and the operation of enterprises.The superiority of the Chinese people's superiority in the national epidemic prevention policy has gradually lost, making the vocabulary of stolen music.Many people often use Lelai to ridicule the epidemic prevention policy, which is particularly common in Shanghai when it is sealed in Shanghai.

Since March 1, 2022, the local clustering epidemic outbreak of Shanghai.As the largest city in China, at the same time, it is an important entry -exit port city and industrial center. Shanghai has experienced a long -term city -free city.It was not until the end of June that the government announced that most of the 25 million residents moved freely, and the enterprise resumed normal operations.

During this period, the epidemic and city sealed the city caused serious shortage of material shortage and life consumption. However, the topics of the people's livelihood were strictly reviewed and filtered on the Chinese Internet.In this case, many netizens borrowed Zhao Lijian's stealing music to ironically the status quo of society. The expression pictures derived from this sentence were also widely circulated on the Internet.

Chinese netizens stealing a happy emoji package.(Internet)

On November 24, 2022, a fire suffered from fire in a residential area in Urumqi, causing 10 people to die, and finally ignited the emotions of people from all over China. The protests against strict control and control quickly spread across the country.But the follow -up pace made the number of infections soar rapidly.In this case, Zhao Lijian's wife Tang Tianru's remarks from the people directly burned the fire of public opinion to his head.

Pour oil on the fire

After the people in Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu began to protest on the street, Jian Yan first asked on Weibo in the form of a three -round question at the end of November 2022: Who deliberately created rumors to confuse the rhythm to inspire the people's anger?They have a professional team. What is their purpose?Who is instructions behind them?Her Weibo was quickly refuted by netizens, and was asked: Is the fire of Urumqi burned by overseas forces?

Jian Yan not only expressed its resolute support for the implementation of the national epidemic prevention policy, but also shouted the injustice for her husband Zhao Lijian.She described Zhao Lijian's work like a courier, without salary, no bonuses, but in exchange for rumors and scolding at home and abroad.After being caught in the vortex of public opinion, Zhao Lijian's wife also responded in the comments: I and our enemies really hope he (Zhao Lijian) resign home as soon as possible.

Now that Zhao Lijian is no longer serving as a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jian Jian can be described as a word.In fact, as early as Jian Yan released a series of inconsistent remarks with the image of Zhao Lijian's spokesman, some analysts believe that this may affect Zhao Lijian's career.

Mingsheng drops dark?

Zhao Lijian was transferred from the deputy director of the Department of News as the deputy director of the Border and Marine Affairs Department, and ranked from third to first, but many Western media believed that this was a dark rise.

Some analysts pointed out that the leaving of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was usually officially announced at a regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Zhao Lijian quietly left, some of which did not meet the routine.Moreover, the border and marine affairs department away from the spotlight means that Zhao Lijian's work is completely behind the scenes.

James Palmer, deputy editor -in -chief of Foreign Policy, said: This is the same as a surrender, and transferring people from a very prominent and interesting position to a tedious and relatively unimportant position.Society.The German Ming Mirror Weekly reporter Georg Fahrion in China commented in Twitter: The pointed teeth of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman and Zhao Lijian No. 1 Zhao Lijian seemed to be pulled out.

Not only did they think that Zhao Lijian was transferred to the dark and darked, but also that China's diplomatic style might change.

Not long before Zhao Lijian was transferred, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs ushered in the new minister Qin Gang.Qin Gang had previously served as the Chinese ambassador to the United States.Although US -China relations have been deadlocked due to trade and epidemic problems in the past few years, and the atmosphere is tight, Qin Gang did not show a special wolf posture during his term.

Ryan Hass, a scholar of Chinese and Asian issues in the Brucks Society, believes that the post of Zhao Lijian is helpful for Qin GangThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the pipe laid a new tone.He said: Minister Qin insisted that he was not a wolf warrior, and Zhao Lijian could help him highlight this.It seems that Qin Gang will reduce the tension of the United States and other countries in the next few years with his leadership direction.Turning Zhao Lijian may be the first step in this effort.

Palmer said: I am not sure that this is a direct denial of diplomacy for wolf warfare, but I think this will undoubtedly be interpreted by people in the Chinese system as a wolf diplomacy no longer the road to career success.

However, the opponents believe that it is hard to say that Zhao Lijian is ascending or falling.Although Qin Gang was promoted to Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, the former head of the front line of the Wolf Diplomacy, has also been on the next floor, and replaced the position of the director and state member of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of Yang Jiechi.Officials.Zhao Lijian is 50 years old. For a period of time in other positions, it is not necessarily a bad thing for his career.

In short, the comments are transferred to Zhao Lijian's own career and whether the Chinese diplomatic style has shifted. It may be too early.

However, the wolf diplomatic style has not won much praise and support to China internationally.In China, after the Chinese people have undergone strict control and surge of crown disease, they may not be as supported and worshiped as before.At this time, the low -key transfer of Zhao Lijian from the spokesman's position may be a decision.