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Hu Fuming, a professor at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University, died on January 2 at the age of 87.As a main contributor, the practice published as the main contributor is the only standard article to test the truth, and is regarded as the "pioneer" of China's reform and opening up.

In 1976, the founding leader of the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong died, and Mao Zedong's wife Jiang Qing and other "Gangs Gang" were arrested and imprisoned. China's 10 -year Cultural Revolution catastrophe was basically over, but the left -leaving thought of "class struggle as the outline" still dominatedstatus.In February 1977, newspapers and periodicals of the mainstream official media of the Communist Party of China published a well -known document to seize the editorial of Gang, and proposed "two ordinary": we are firmly maintained by the decisions made by Chairman Mao;Always follow.

The political oaths that continue to implement the Cultural Revolution route have caused dissatisfaction with veteran cadres and intellectual groups who have been persecuted by the Cultural Revolution.Hu Fuming, then a teacher of Nanjing University, was accompanied by his wife and was hospitalized. The practice of writing 8000 words was the only standard for testing the truth. He was handed over to Wang Qianghua, the leader of the Philosophy of Guangming Daily, who had a relationship.After a series of modifications and several important figures, this article finally published on the Guangming Daily in the name of "This newspaper special commentator" on May 11, 1978.The Xinhua News Agency reposted this article that day, and the People's Daily Liberation Army News also reprinted the full text the next day.

Hu Fuming's article can be so valued by mainstream official media, which is inseparable from China's political pattern at that time.After Mao Zedong's death, his selected successor Hua Guofeng took over as the chairman of the CPC Central Committee.Although Hua Guofeng opposed the Cultural Revolution, such as Jiang Qing, he insisted that Mao Zedong's political route that "with class struggle as the outline" contradicts that Deng Xiaoping, who advocates truth -seeking and developing the economy.By 1978, the struggle between Hua Guofeng's "Two Fanists" and Deng Xiaoping's "seeking truth from facts" became fierce.Although Hua Guofeng occupies the highest leadership position, Deng Xiaoping and other veterans have greater prestige and many subordinates in the party, especially the army.However, to reverse the "two ordinary", "seeking truth from facts" still lacks a theoretical breakthrough. Hu Fuming's practice is the only standard article to test the truth.

At that time, Yang Xiguang, editor -in -chief of Guangming Daily, was familiar with Hu Yaobang, the then Minister of the Central Organization Department and the vice president of the Central Party School.Before taking office, Hu Yaobang ordered Yang Xiguang to change the appearance of the Guangming Daily Newspaper, and changed from the execution of "two ordinary" to pushing the chaos anyway.

Yang Xiguang noticed Hu Fuming's article in the newspaper, thinking that this was the beginning of change.He gathered the theoretical department of Guangming Daily, the theoretical research office of the Central Party School, and the original author. He carried out multiple collective modifications on the manuscript, bypassing Wang Dongxing, the director of the Central Office of the Central Committee, and directly submitted it to Hu Yaobang for approval.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. After the publication of the mainstream official media, Deng Xiaoping's banner clearly supports this article.Facing the opposition of the party, Deng Xiaoping publicly stated: "Now a problem has occurred, even the standard of practice is the problem of testing truth, it is inexplicable!"

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Obviously, it has become a major political event. After Deng Xiaoping, Ye Jianying and other CCP veterans have expressed support for the article.Soon, the main officers of the major military regions and local provinces have published articles, supporting practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. It secretly criticized the "two ordinary" and set off a vigorous discussion of truth standards in the country.

After the discussion of this truth standard, Deng Xiaoping's "seeking truth from facts" condensed and stabilized politics, theory, and organizational foundation, while Hua Guofeng had a great power.At the end of 1978, Deng Xiaoping led the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up.

Hu Fuming became a tide in the tide of history.During the 30th anniversary of the Truth Standard in Beijing in 2008, a calligrapher sent him a work: "first voice".It is said that this is Hu Fuming's favorite calligraphy work.

In the past 40 years, the Social History Hall of Guangming Daily still treasured the seven samples of the only standard articles that test the truth of the truth.Now the newspaper has been yellowed and the author has died, but Hu Fuming and the era of passion will be kept in mind forever.