Feng Zijian, former deputy director of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, said that when the crown disease epidemic reaches the first wave of peaks, 60 % of the Chinese people are infected.The people experience infection.

According to the China Youth Daily report on Wednesday (December 7), at the invitation of Tsinghua University, Feng Zijian, a member of the expert group of the China Crown Diseases and Control and Control Mechanism Group, made a question on Tuesday (6th).Facing Omikon's special report.

In the special report, Feng Zijian judged the current and future epidemic development situation.He judged that regardless of the (epidemic prevention and control) policy adjustment, most people in China will inevitably suffer infection.

In Feng Zijian's view, the time of the impact of the first wave of large -scale epidemic is closely related to factors such as the way the policy adjustment of different regions, the number of infected people before the adjustment, and the flow of population.

He said: "According to the calculation of mathematical models, when the first wave of large -scale impact reaches the highest peak, the infection rate in our crowd may reach about 60%, and then it will gradually fall to a stable period. In the endWe may experience infections from 80%to 90%. "

He also mentioned that in the process of dealing with the first wave of large -scale impacts, there are three things that need to be done well, including taking appropriate measures to suppress itThe peak of the epidemic infection; the medical system is prepared to deal with stress in advance; further accelerate the vaccination, especially the elderly with chronic diseases.

Feng Zijian said: "Adopt proper measures to suppress peaks, including reducing personnel gathering, reducing personnel flow, reducing food food, reducing entertainment activities, encouraging non -critical jobs and homes.System pressure.

"Of course, the cost of suppressing the peak is to drag the epidemic, which brings greater pressure on the social economy and people's lives.This requires weighing each city according to its own situation."

The problem of the peak of the epidemic may bring tremendous pressure on the medical system. Feng Zijian believes that the need to do a good job in the process of medical services and model conversion in advance, so that medical staff who have not been exposed to severe cases of severe cases should be as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleFamiliar with the rules and processes of the diagnosis and treatment of coronary disease, can quickly identify patients with intensive and severe tendencies. In addition, the hospital's management model must be improved to protect other patients who are hospitalized.The pressure caused by the personnel.

Feng Zijian suggested that the elderly who have not yet completed the vaccine vaccination will be vaccinated as soon as possible."