After further relaxing the prevention and control measures of the crown disease epidemic, and allowing asymptomatic isolation of the home isolation from patients with mild patients, officials of the China National Health Commission said on Wednesday (December 7); Experts alert, next to strictly prevent the problem of squeezing medical resources.

The China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism further announced 10 to relax the prevention and control measures of the epidemic on the 7th, allowing those who have no symptoms, mild infections, and those with close contact with home isolation.Personnel check the nucleic acid detection negative proof and health code, and no longer conducts the off -site inspection.

In addition, the newly released measures also mentioned that it will not conduct full -work nucleic acid testing according to the administrative area, further reduce the scope of nucleic acid detection, reduce the frequency, and can carry out antigen detection according to the needs of epidemic prevention.

According to the live broadcast of CCTV, Li Bin, deputy director of the China National Health and Health Commission, should be inquired in the afternoon of the State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism.Article 10 issues such as inconsistent implementation and inaccurate and other issues shall be corrected, emphasizing more scientific and accurate.

He requires that there are all places and integration to promote the implementation, and the measures that have not been adjusted are implemented in accordance with the original plan to ensure that various measures are implemented, landed, and in place.

When asked about the medical resources reserve, Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of the Health Commission, said that it has required medical institutions at or above the county level to strengthen the preparation of drugs and antiviral drugs, including antigen reagents.

CCP leaders are vaccinated by domestic vaccines

Guo Yanhong pointed out that through the treatment of classification, many infected people will choose home treatment methods. Therefore, grass -roots medical institutions and drug retail outlets must be prepared to ensure that drugs can be available.

In terms of vaccination, Zheng Zhongwei, director of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Health and Health Commission and the leader of the vaccine research and development class work team, said that China's coronary virus vaccine is very safe.The incidence is slightly lower than young people.

Zheng Zhongwei also said that the current leaders of the Communist Party of China and the country have vaccinated the coronary virus vaccine, and "the inoculation is the same domestic new crown virus vaccine as the ordinary people inoculation."

Liang Wannian, the leader of the expert group of the Health and Health Commission's epidemic response work, frankly said at the meeting that China's population is large, the elderly population is large, and there are many patients with chronic diseases and basic diseases, but the vaccination coverage rate is not ideal, and medical careThe number of sanitary resources is insufficient, and the distribution is not balanced. Drugs and prevention and control of materials need to be further strengthened.

He emphasized that next, he needs to pay special attention to the situation of virus mutation, severe illnesses, and death, strictly prevent problems such as medical resources, and strengthen vaccination, especially for the elderly.In addition, Mi Feng, a spokesman for the Health Commission, mentioned in the meeting that this optimization measure is mainly aimed at the prevention and control of epidemic situations from all over the country.2. Accelerate advancement and further optimize and improve.