(Beijing Comprehensive News) China's recent epidemic prevention measures have been further optimized and adjusted, causing anxiety to the public and worrying that they will be infected with crown diseases. Therefore, they have rushed to the pharmacy to buy crowning antigen test agents, fever and cold drugs.

According to Reuters on Tuesday (December 6), online drug sales platforms, pharmacy and pharmaceutical manufacturers have said that the sales of the above drugs have recently increased.

Jingdong Health, China ’s largest online medical and health platform, said that the sales of antigen testing agents from November 28th to December 4th increased by 344%from the previous week.

Some citizens in Beijing said that the people around him bought antigen test agents and he also bought 50.

"The country's epidemic prevention policy is entering a new stage, and I'm not sure what will happen next. We can only try to protect ourselves, so I also bought the N95 mask, Tylenol (Tylenol, can be reduced and cured by healing and cure.Cold) and ibuprofen (ibuprofen, pain can be relieved and anti -inflammatory). "

A pharmacy clerk in Beijing said that their antipyretics were sold on Monday.

"I have never seen so many customers to buy antipyretics within a day. We are trying to replenish, but maybe we have to wait a week."

With the adjustment of epidemic prevention measures across China, the demand for drug purchase has increased, and the price of various drugs has increased.

According to the Beijing Daily, the Beijing Market Supervision Bureau issued a warning on Monday (5th), requiring operators to not have people's livelihood products and masks such as food, oil, meat, eggs, vegetables, milk, etc.Surgence supplies, related medical equipment and other anti -epidemic supplies hoard the strange accumulation, fabricate the spread of price increase information, and coax the price.