The Ninth Recently published a comment article on the Chinese Official Media People's Daily talks about the prevention and control of China's epidemic. It is emphasized that reality and national conditions have determined that China must adhere to science and precision prevention and control. The key is science and precision.

China's official officially released Article 20 to optimize the prevention and control of the epidemic on November 11, which is regarded as an important step in China's towards precision prevention and control.The People's Daily (November 21) again published an article entitled "Zhongyin" entitled scientific and precisely promoted. The article pointed out that practice shows that fast and accurate dynamic clearing zero is an important magic weapon for the prevention and control of China's epidemic. Persist in insisting onDynamic clearance must continuously improve the level of scientific and precise prevention and control.

The article wrote that the broad region of China means not only to have a greater advantage, but also that the actual situation in various places is different, and the situation is very different."Such a realistic national conditions also determine. We must adhere to scientific and precise prevention and control, and continuously improve the level of distinguished differentiated and precise prevention and control."

The article says that Article 20 optimization measures can better balance the relationship between the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of economic and social development.It is not to relax prevention and control, nor is it to let go, lying flat, but to adapt to the new situation of the epidemic prevention and control and the new characteristics of virus mutation, and do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic.

The article has also reiterated again that it is necessary to unswervingly implement the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound", and unswervingly implement the "dynamic clear zero" general policy, complete, accurate, comprehensively understand, and grasp the optimization optimizationThe deployment measures for prevention and control work, adhere to the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan, implement 20 optimization measures, do not shake, do not go, and curb the spread of the epidemic spread as soon as possible.

The article also mentioned that 20 optimization measures are solidly promoted to improve the scientific and accuracy of epidemic prevention and control, and higher requirements on epidemic prevention and control work.It is necessary to resolutely rectify problems such as "layer layers" and "one -size -fits -all" to prevent "one of them". We must also be alert to relax the prevention and control requirements in the name of optimization measures to prevent "one place".

Earlier, the People's Daily has published eight comments from November 12th, which is to resolutely win the battle against the normalization epidemic prevention and control.The total strategy of input, internal defense and rebound "has unswervingly implementing the" dynamic clearing zero "general policy to calculate the big account to see the advantages to implement the advantages and implement the responsibility of keeping the soil and keeping the soil.The policy "and the optimization of adjustment prevention and control measures are not relaxation, nor is it" lying down ", but to further improve the scientific and accuracy of prevention and control.