Chinese media combed and found that among the 30 real estate companies that disclosed the three quarters, more than 60 % of real estate companies returned to their mother's net profit.Negative growth, nearly half of real estate companies are in a state of net loss.NotThe Beijing Business Daily reported on Sunday (November 6) that in the three quarters of the past, after a series of seemingly favorable fall, Chinese real estate companies not only did not harvest the "gold nine silver ten" within the expected expectations, but encountered the most difficult three in historyQuarterly.NotAccording to statistics, of the 30 real estate companies that disclosed the third quarterly report, over 60 % of the real estate companies have recorded negative growth in net profit, and nearly half of the real estate companies are in a state of net loss.NotAmong the housing samples, nine real estate companies have achieved net profit of their mother -in -law year -on -year. They are Vanke, Goldland Group, Huafa, Financial Street, South Guo Real Estate, Dima, Binjiang Group, Rong'an Real Estate and Tianjian Group.NotThe net profit of home real estate companies has recorded negative growth. Sunshine City, Taihe Group, and Beichen Industrial have gained the largest decline in 30 sample real estate companies., 352.07%.NotThe development of happiness and blue light was a significant loss due to the net profit of the mother of mother in the same period last year. In the third quarterly report, the rise and fall of this item was marked by "not applicable".NotThe employees who are familiar with the financial statements of housing enterprises explained: "Not applicable is a financial labeling method for A -share listed companies. Most of them are companies that have lost money in the same period last year.In comparison, most companies will use such marks. "

< Among 30 samples of real estate companies, there are 14 real estate companies with net loss in the first three quarters.Such as the development of blue light development, Taihe Group, Sunshine City, Huaxia Happiness and other exit enterprises.Among them, the most profitable loss of net profit of home is the development of blue light. In the first three quarters, the loss was 11.673 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 22.61).NotWhat attracted attention was that the existence of the veteran of "recruiting thousands of gold", and the profit performance in the first three quarters of this year was not satisfactory.Vanke's net profit attributable to mothers in the first three quarters was 17.05 billion yuan, an increase of 2.17%year -on -year; the net profit of Goldland Group's mother was 3.336 billion yuan, a slight increase of 0.83%year -on -year;The decrease of 3.61%; the net profit of China Merchants Shekou was 2.957 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 53.44%.NotThe performance declined, China Merchants Shekou also listed three major reasons: First, the area of the completion and delivery of real estate projects increased year -on -year, but due to the downward market, the margin profit margin of the real estate business decreased year -on -year, and the gross profit margin decreased year -on -year.Second, the company properly implemented the requirements of the relevant national rent and exemption policy, and combined with the company's actual situation to meet qualified merchants with corresponding rent reduction and exemption.In addition, the decrease in investment income from the company's transfer of investment income is also the main reason for lowering profits.NotOn the 24th, China Shipping Real Estate released its financial report in the third quarter of this year. In the third quarter, China Shipkine's Real Estate revenue revenue was 17.52 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 59.5%; the business profit after deducting the changes in the fair value of investment properties and the net profit and loss of the exchange was 1.8 billion yuan. Last year, last year,The value of the same period was close to 8 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 77.5%.NotThe financial summary of the Beijing company Beijing Company said: "Now open source is basically hopeless, even if it is a central enterprise, don't look at us still getting land, but it is basically a basis for maintaining one." NotThe choice of most housing companies, the service department does not spend money, and the marketing department is less money.NotIt also revealed that the monthly salary of the total marketing level of some enterprises has dropped to 10,000 yuan."Don't mention the money before the task is over, can there be two years of the year -end award."

Liu Shui analyzed the person in charge of the research head of the Central Finger Research Institute.It is difficult to fight against the pressure of the whole trend.In recent years, the growth rate of sales in housing enterprises has gradually declined, and the growth rate of real estate settlement revenue in some real estate companies will gradually decline.In addition, the price of highlands lowered the profitability of housing companies, and the gross profit margin of housing companies continued to decline.NotThe water is said to be affected by the underlying pressure of the macroeconomic downward, the market downward, the repeated epidemic situation, and the weakening of residential income. The sales price is not as good as expected. In 2021, real estate companies generally increase the impairment of asset impairment of inventory, investment property, long -term equity investment and other assets.Preparation for the efforts to affect the current net profit level.

He pointed out that due to the downward market, the income of the joint camp project has also decreased simultaneouslyAs a result, the net profit of listed real estate companies has declined further.At present, in order to ensure the security of cash flow and adjust the investment layout, some housing enterprises are dealing with non -core assets, or formed a loss.