Public transportation in Lhasa, Tibet will gradually restore operation Span> The area of ​​the affiliated areas and vehicles do a good job of disinfecting and killing.Not"Lhasa released" WeChat public account news, with the overall situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic in Lhasa, the overall situation of the prevention and control situation of the Lhasa City continues to improve, and some areas regain the normal production and living order in some areas.The lounge and other areas and vehicles are killed.NotSPAN> According to news, we are currently planned to restore 21 lines, 100 vehicles, 150 drivers, and 150 driver.Not According to the requirements, passengers must wear masks throughout the car, and in accordance with the requirements of the "one scan, three checks and one test", the vehicle venue code is scanned to check the health code, itinerary, nucleic acid result and body temperature.You can get on the car after abnormalities.Not It is understood that after the bus resumption, the company will also increase the peak hours during the passenger flow situation, shorten the departure interval, strictly control the car load of the vehicle, and ensure the safe travel of the masses.