Cao Shumin, deputy director of the CPC Central Information Office and deputy directorTo preach the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, emphasize that > Accelerate key core technology breakthroughs .NotAccording to the news of the China WeChat account, Cao Shumin said that learning, propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit of the Communist Party of China is the primary political task of the whole party and the whole country in the future, and it is also the top priority of the online information system.To give preaching at science and technology companies, to promote the unified thinking, unified will, and unified action of the party members of technology companies, resolutely win the key core technology battles, accelerate the realization of high -level technology independence and self -reliance, and strive to create a network power and digital China in the new era and new journey.Build a new situation.NotShumin emphasized that it is necessary to fully implement the new requirements made by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the idea of "system layout, key breakthroughs", to accelerate the construction of online power and digital China, and drive the modernization of Chinese -style informatization as informationization, as for informationization, as for informationization, as for the modernization of Chinese -style.Comprehensively build a socialist modernization country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to provide strong support.NotShumin proposed that one is to accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies.Promote the construction of high -level self -reliance and self -reliance technological innovation and industrial ecosystem.The second is to accelerate the overall layout of digital China.Continue to play an important role of digital construction in the construction of a modern economic system and building a new development pattern, accelerate the digital process of various fields, and provide strong support for the modernization of Chinese -style modernization.The third is to give full play to the advantages of a new type of national system.Give full play to the main role of enterprises in technological innovation, and provide a solid foundation for accelerating the breakthrough of core technology and digital development.NotAbout 200 people from the relevant person in charge of the company and the party members and cadres of the main business department, and the backbone of the business listened to lectures on the spot.Responsible personnel of the relevant bureaus of the Central Cyberspace Office participated in the preaching activities.