Japan and Germany's foreign ministers and defense ministers said that considering that China's and North Korean military activities are gradually frequent, the two countries will deepen the two countries to deepenDefense cooperation.NotKyodo News reported that the Japanese and German governments were mentioned above on Thursday (November 3) in Western City, Western Germany, when the Foreign Minister's Defense Minister's Meeting (2+2) was held.NotForeign Minister Lin Fangzheng and German Foreign Minister Berbek attended the meeting and met. Japan's defense Akihama Hamada and Germany Defense Minister Langbrecht attended the meeting online.NotOn the other hand, the two sides talked about the concerns of frequent launching ballistic missiles in North Korea, and agreed to cooperate closely on nuclear and missile issues and abduction Japanese issues.NotChina ’s influence on the East China Sea and the South China Sea, Japan and Germany agreed, strongly opposed the attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by force.NotRussia and Ukraine conflicts confirmed that they would continue to sanction and assist Ukraine on Russia.Japan and Germany agree that Russia's nuclear intimidation is a threat that the international community cannot tolerate.Lin Fangzheng pointed out: "The history of not using nuclear weapons cannot be despised."> Japan and Germany also agreed to promote it to sign the coordination of the Japanese Self -Defense Force and the Germans to integrate materials and labor services for each other.NotThe next meeting was that after the first 2+2 meeting in April last year in April last year, the meeting was held again. At the same time, it cooperated with the Seven -King Group (G7) Foreign Minister meeting held in Minshi on Friday (4th).NotAccording to reports, Germany has dispatched frigates and fighters in Japan in recent years to implement joint training in Japan, which has participated in cooperation in the Pacific region of India.