Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday (November 2)When meeting the Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif, which was officially visited in Beijing in the morning, said that China always looked at China -Pakistan relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective.Build a more close community of China -Pakistan destiny in the new era, injecting new impetus into China -Pakistan's strategic partnerships throughout the weather.

According to CCTV news reports, Xi Jinping said in the Great Hall of the People that he was welcome to visit China and thank him for the first time to congratulate the Chinese government for the 20th National Congress.China and Pakistan are good friends, good partners, and brothers.In recent years, the two countries have supported each other in the chaos of the world's changes and moved forward, showing the "hardcore" friendship between China and Pakistan.China has always looked at China -Pakistan relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective, and always placed Pakistan in the priority direction of peripheral diplomacy. It is willing to improve the level of strategic cooperation with Pakistan to accelerate the establishment of a more close Community of China -Pakistan destiny in the new era.The all -weather strategic partnership injected new motivation into.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China praised Pakistan to firmly promote friendly cooperation with China. Thanks to Pakistan for supporting China on the issues involving China's core and major concerns, and will firmly support Pakistan to maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity and development interests., National dignity, firmly support Pakistan to achieve stable and unity, development and prosperity.The Chinese side has deeply sympathized with the popular floods of the Pakistani people. It will provide emergency assistance to add additional assistance to help Pakistan post -disaster reconstruction, support Pakistan to restore post -disaster agricultural production, strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation, and cope with climate change cooperation.

Xi Jinping introduced the important achievements of the Chinese government's 20th National Congress.Xi Jinping pointed out that China will continue to adhere to the basic national policy of opening up, and will continue to provide new opportunities for all countries in the world including Pakistan, including Pakistan.China is willing to deepen its development strategy with Pakistan.The two sides should make good use of the mechanism of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor's joint cooperation committee to promote the construction of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor at a higher efficiency and build it into a high -quality development demonstration project of the "Belt and Road".It is necessary to accelerate the construction of the supporting infrastructure of Guadal Port, and play the role of the radiation driving role of ports in the development of regional Unicom.The two sides should work together to create conditions for the early implementation of the No. 1 railway line upgrade and reconstruction project and the Karachi Ring City Railway Project.

China welcomes Pakistan to expand exports to China in China. It is willing to expand new energy cooperation with the Pakistani side of the Pakistani side, and solidly promote cooperation in agriculture, technology, people's livelihood and other fields.Stabilize the support of the financial situation to provide power.China supports China's industrial province with Pakistani to promote industrial cooperation, hoping that Pakistani will provide a good business environment.

Xi Jinping also said that he is highly concerned about the security issues of the Chinese people in Pakistan, hoping that Pakistan provides a reliable and safe environment for Chinese institutions and personnel to cooperate in Pakistan.

Xi Jinping emphasized that at present, the changes in the world, the changes of the times, and the changes of history are just unprecedented.Faced with a highly uncertain world, the two sides should stand on the correct side of history, maintain high -level cooperation in international multilateral mechanisms, work closely on major international regions, maintain true multilateralism, maintain international fairness and justice, maintain developmentThe common interests of the Chinese family provides a certainty and positive energy for the world.China is willing to work with Pakistan to promote the implementation of global development initiative and global security initiative, promote the global economic governance system towards a more fair, reasonable, inclusive and win -win direction, build a community of human destiny, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of the two countries.Make more contributions to world peace and stability and common prosperity.

According to the CCTV press release, Sharif said in the meeting that he was very honored to become one of the first batch of foreign leaders invited to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a milestone.The deep "hardcore" friendship between Bazhong.On behalf of the Pakistani government and the people, he once again congratulated President Xi Jinping as the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.In the past ten years, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has achieved the great development achievements of the miracle of the times, and insisted on multilateralism internationally, promoted unity and cooperation, and made important contributions to maintaining world peace and development.The style of responsibility.The world is inseparable from China, and no forces can beolate China's development.It is believed that President Xi Jinping's vision and outstanding consciousness will not only continue to lead China to create more brilliant achievements, but also lead the world to a more bright future.

Sheleiff also said that deepening the strategic partnership of Pakistan and China is the cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy and consensus from all walks of life.I sincerely thank the Chinese government and the people for providing valuable help for Pakistan to fight crown disease, and provide generous assistance after Pakistan suffered a great flood.No country has sincerely help developing countries such as Pakistan.Pakistan has firmly pursued a Chinese policy, and firmly supports China ’s position on the core interests of China, Tibet, and Hong Kong.To achieve its own development, this is the direction and the only choice of Pakistan in the future.

Shellf said that the construction of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor had a profound impact on the economic and social development of Pakistan. Pakistan was willing to continue to promote high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road” with China.The construction of important infrastructure projects such as railway trunk upgrade and the Karachi Ringcheng Railway.Pakistan will further strengthen security measures and make every effort to protect the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Pakistan.Pakistan has fully supported the global development initiative and global security initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. It is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with China in international regional affairs to make positive contributions to maintaining world peace and development.The friendship of Bazhong is indestructible, and Pakistan will always stand up with China.

After the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcome banquet for Shelef in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and He Lifeng, the head of the National Development and Reform Commission, participated in the above activities.