British media reported that China had requested American Pharmaceutical Corporation to provide the company's messenger nucleotic acid technology, but was rejected by Modner.

According to the British Financial Times Sunday (October 2), sources reported that Modner rejected this request based on business and security factors, which also caused Modner to break the sales negotiations in China in China.Essence

Compared with the activated vaccine technology, Modner and Biontech/Pfizer use the messenger ribonucleic acid vaccine technology, which can provide more long -lasting and better protection.

A source who is closely related to the team relationship with Modner Greater China said that Modner had wanted to enter the Chinese market earlier, but Beijing would surrender the messenger ribon nucleic acid technology as a approved sales in China to sell in ChinaThe prerequisite of the product is abandoned.

Sources also said that Modner's leadership does not want to hand over the vaccine formula to Chinese partners, because if this partner messed up the vaccine production process, this will harm the company's reputation.

Modner has always strongly protected the company's intellectual property rights, claiming that the transfer of patents cannot really solve the supply problem.

However, Modner has expressed his willingness to re -negotiate with China in recent weeks.Paul Burton, the company's chief medical officer, said: "If China thinks they need vaccines, we certainly want to cooperate with China."The willingness to restart with China is because the company's initial aimed in a richest country, showing a weak signs of the demand for vaccines.