In addition to allowing some cities to reduce the first house loan interest rate, in addition to allowing some cities to reduce the first home loan interest rate, tax refund discounts will be given to buyers within one year, and the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan.

China officially introduced the property market stimulus policy within two days, allowing some cities to reduce the first set of housing loan interest rates, give tax refunds to those who buy houses within one year, and reduce the first personal housing provident fund loan interest rate to "combine boxing boxing"The form boosts the property market in the last quarter of this year.

The Bank of China and the CBRC issued a notice on Thursday (September 29) in the evening that it decided to adjust differentiated housing credit policies in stages.Eligible urban governments can independently decide to maintain, lower or cancel the lower limit of the first set of housing loan interest rates for the first time of the local new housing loan at the end of 2022.

The new policy is suitable for cities that have been built from June to August this year and have continued to decline in cities with the month -on -month sales price and year -on -year.According to the data provided by the Think Tank Center of the E -House Research Institute, at least 23 cities in the 70 large and medium cities covered by the National Bureau of Statistics have met the requirements, including eight second -tier cities including Harbin, Tianjin, Wuhan, as well as Quanzhou, Wenzhou, and Wenzhou, Wenzhou, and Wenzhou, Wenzhou, and WenzhouGuilin and other 15 third -tier cities.

Then, the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued a joint announcement on Friday (September 30) saying that it was "supporting residents to improve housing conditions". From October 1st this year to December 31st, this yearThe taxpayer who purchases a house can be repaid for the personal income tax paid when the two houses are in the same city.Among them, if the new housing price is greater than or equal to the income of housing, it can get a full tax refund.

On the same night, the central bank announced that the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan rate was 0.15 percentage points from October 1, and the interest rates below the five years and below fell from 2.75 % to 2.6 %.3.1 %.

Prior to this, the central bank had lowered the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) in August this year.The five -year LPR linked to the mortgage interest rate fell 15 basis points in August to 4.3 %.Data from Shell Research Institute show that among the 103 key cities in China, more than 80 % of the mainstream mortgage interest rates in more than 80 % of cities have fallen to a record low of 4.1 % in September.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the Easy House Think Tank Center, pointed out that the central bank's reduction in the interest rate of the provident fund loan is another important financial policy after the commercial loan interest rate is reduced.The new policy highlights the weakness of the property market in the third quarter of this year. It is expected that the three stabilized property markets at the end of September are expected to play a significant role in boosting the real estate market market in the fourth quarter.

70 The new residential price of the city sells for the largest decline in seven years in August

Although the latest baked September China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) returned to the expansion range, showing that Chinese economic activities have recovered, the sales price of new commercial housing housing in 70 large and medium cities still set the largest in seven years in August in August.The year -on -year decline, the continued sluggish property market is expected to drag the pace of China's economic recovery.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the Index Division of the Institute of Medicine, believes that in the last quarter of this year, he still needs to optimize policies in a larger, larger range, and faster pace.The rise of the urban market has rebounded, generating a demonstration effect, and driving the overall market expectations to recover.

Huang Tao, general manager of Guangdong Central Plains Real Estate Project Department, accepted an analysis of the joint morning newspaper. The encouragement measures introduced in the past two days are good news for those who originally had a house purchase plan."However, the central bank has cut interest rates three times this year, and the total amount of mortgages has not risen significantly, indicating that the root cause of the lack of demand in the property market is the economic downturn. People have no money to buy a house, and they dare not buy a house if they have money."

According to Huang Tao's observation, most of the real estate developers in Guangzhou chose "lying" in the peak season of "Golden Nine Silver Ten". Only 30 % of the promotion activities were held, showing that housing companies were also inadequate confidence in the current market.He said that the continuous superposition of various supporting policies, the amount of volume promotes qualitative changes, and promote market demand. However, in order to make the property market truly recover, it is still necessary to wait until the overall economy has stable recovery.