The new business format of China Transportation Friday (September 30) The Office of the Inter -Regulatory Ministry of Supervision The Office of the Interview with the 4 Internet road freight platform companies of Manbang Group, cargo Lala, Didi Freight, and Fast Dog taxis,Before the end of this year, we must not adjust the charging standards and operating rules at will, and maintain the relatively stable transportation prices to ensure that truck drivers enjoy the policy dividend of traffic reduction and exemption.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Ministry of Transport" in China, interviews and interviews point out that recently the public has reported that some platform companies still have multiple fees, prices competition, and arrears of the freight of truck drivers.rights and interests.At the same time, in order to implement the spirit of the 189th National Meeting of the National Meeting and earnestly maintain the relatively stable transportation prices, so that the majority of truck drivers to enjoy the dividend of the passage of traffic are reduced, and the four platform companies have put forward relevant requirements for the four platform companies.

Interview requirements, first of one to further improve political standing, in -depth investigation and rectification of hidden safety risks in various platform companies, timely resolve risks, and ensure the safety and stability of the industry; second, we must improve the supply of supplyTo deal with the coordination mechanism, you must not be able to compete maliciously.Before the end of this year, we must not adjust the charging standards and operating rules at will. We must maintain relatively stable transportation prices to ensure that truck drivers enjoy the policy dividend of traffic reduction and exemption;Essence

Each platform company stated that in accordance with the requirements of the interview, we will take a result of the main responsibility of the enterprise, rectify the corporate subject, and open the report channels such as complaints and reporting the vehicle driver, and effectively solve the problem of arrears of freight.Effectively ensure the legitimate rights and interests of truck drivers, ensure that truck drivers enjoy the policy dividend of traffic reduction and exemption, and focus on maintaining the overall development of the industry's safe and stable development.