The first set of marine earthquake exploration and dragging cables independently developed by China is officially put into production and application, marking a major breakthrough in the development of key technical equipment of China's marine oil and gas exploration, and improving the overall research and development capabilities of marine oil and gas equipment, promoting high -end marine equipmentDomesticization is of great significance to ensure national energy security.

According to the CCTV news client news, in the marine oil and gas earthquake exploration, objective ships usually use artificial earthquake sources to stimulate earthquake waves, artificial earthquake wave penetrate the bottom of the sea, form reflex waves at different levels, and then receive and receive objects to receive and receive and receive it and receive it and receive it and receive it and receive it.Record these reflex waves and calculate strata imaging, thereby inferring the distribution of oil and gas resources out of the sea.Achieving the seismic seismic exploration and dragging cables that control the stimulation of earthquake sources, receive exploration data, and solve the function of positioning information into equipment are important factors that affect the signal -to -noise ratio and resolution of the earthquake data, and play an important role in improving the accuracy of oil and gas exploration.

The self -developed marine earthquake exploration and dragging cable complete set of equipment is an important part of the construction of China's complete marine oil and gas exploration equipment industry chain.The comprehensive navigation system of the sea and the "Haiyan" series of waterbirds and other complex water and underwater equipment can be completed.The whole process.At present, the entire set of equipment is in good operation, the data collected is excellent in data, and various performance indicators have reached the same level of international level.