Northern Remember

Chinese officials who have been "stealth" for 10 days from the public activities. On Tuesday (27th), they were with senior leaders of the Politburo Six Standing Committee members and members of the Beijing Politburo."Theme achievement exhibition.The high -level CCP's collective appearance made the political rumors that suddenly suddenly had the troubles of social media in China a few days ago.

The background of the rumors of "coup" that has no reason is that Chinese official visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from September 14th to 16th from September 14th to 16th.After many days, he did not show up.

Central Asia is the first visit since the outbreak of the Chinese official epidemic. In addition, the China -Russia's heads of state met at the Shanghe Summit venue, so it has attracted much attention.Some careful people noticed from the news screen that the Chinese officials have not participated on the 15th of the 15th.In fact, the International News Agency has quoted the Uzbek government sources reported that Chinese officials did not attend the dinner due to epidemic prevention considerations.On the other hand, since China implements a strict clearance policy, it is normal for leaders to isolate and prevent epidemic prevention after returning home.However, these two details are focused on the large and released, and some comments have been removed from many flights in China as "evidence", which derives a rumor that a "coup" near the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The above rumors are only maintained on the 27th of the official appearance of Chinese officials.The CCTV News Broadcasting that night used four and a half minutes to broadcast the Seven Standing Committee Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China in text and images, members of the Politburo of Beijing, Secretary of the Central Secretariat, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, State Councilor, and President of the Supreme People's Court., Attorney General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, and members of the Central Military Commission, etc., dozens of people visited the exhibition.

On the evening of the same day, the official media Xinhua News issued a document to introduce the Chinese official to the 20th National Congress on April 22 this year.The article highly praises Chinese officials that "the grandeur, distant opinion, and majesty of Marxist politicians, thinkers, strategists, and strategists";, Fully demonstrated the political wisdom, strategic determination, mission of the leader of the Great Party and the Great Power, the responsibility of the mission, the art of the people, and the art of leadership. "

Xinhua News Agency, this article also described Chinese officials three times with "people leader", and it is even more important to see "coup" rumors.

Touring, saying that China's official "leader" approach occasionally occasionally appeared in 2016 and 2017.After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the fall of 2017, the "people leader" appeared directly in the speech of high -level characters and official media reports.For example, in 2018, Xinhuanet has a special topic called "People's Leaders' Chinese Official Two Sessions."When the National Two Council was closed at that year, Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People's Congress, said that Chinese officials were "well -deserved party's core, military commander, and people's leaders."

In the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee in November last year, the third historical resolution of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the party's century -old struggle and historical experience, embedded in the "" "" "Two establishment.Entering 2022, the publicity of the official media increased again, and CCTV opened the column of "People's Leaders' China".In July and September of this year, the president of Xinhua News Agency, Fu Hua, published signed articles, announcing that it would show and "promote the love of the people and the people of the people and the people of the people."

In the history of the Communist Party of China, only Mao Zedong and Hua Guofeng have a short period of time. The former is "great leader" and the latter is "wise leader".The name of the "people leader" reflects the firmness of China's official status.

Under such circumstances, about the 20th of the 20th of the Communist Party of China, one has no basis, and it has even been refuted by many Western Chinese observer and was ironic as a rumor that "like the Hollywood screenwriter's imagination."It is also a strange thing to spread to overseas social media for several days.These rumors are estimated to satisfy some people's psychology, but the cognition behind it may stay 10 years ago.

No signs or logical analysis can show that these rumors are from the inside of the system, and the purpose is to interfere with the 20th National Congress to be held smoothly.If the so -called "group gang" indeed existed in the high level of the Communist Party of China before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was full of rumors and shocking news.In contrast, many "group guys" are punished today, and the "core" position has been established and wrote into the third historical resolution. In the current situation, it is difficult for other forces to challenge the highest level of position.

Therefore, this year's 20th CPC National Congress is the quietest and least rumored party congress for many years.Perhaps because there is too little space that can be discussed, the plot written by Hollywood screenwriters is out of control, and it meets the "traditional expectations" of some "traditional audiences" to the party congress. Although this rumor only lasts for a few daysEssence