Ma Zhaoxu, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, said that China ’s diplomatic struggle is to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and oppose hegemony domineering. He emphasized that Chinese diplomacy will continue to“ go forward and bravely move forward ”.

According to the surging news report, Ma Chaoxu on Thursday (September 29) at the "China Ten Years" series of theme press conferences held by the Propaganda Department of the Central CommitteeThe question of bilateral relations emphasized that maintaining national sovereignty, security, and development benefits is the mission of Chinese diplomacy.

Ma Chaoxu pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Chinese President Xi Jinping, China has established a stronger will, a more solid action, and more powerful measures.Defend the strong line of defense of national interests and national dignity, and firmly control the initiative of national development and security.

Ma Zhaoxu said that China's banner clearly defends the "one China" principle, realizes the establishment of diplomatic relations with nine countries, and resolutely fight back on the Taiwan issue, consolidate the "one China" consensus in the international community, effectively block external external exteriorThe forces interfere with Hong Kong affairs and consolidate the good situation of Hong Kong's chaos and rule; piercing through the facts of the facts of the facts of the facts, and frustration of the political plan of "Jianghua"; steadily promoting the "South China Sea Code" consultation, maintaining the South China SeaThe situation is generally stable.

He also said that China resisting the politicalization of the epidemic, the labeling of the virus, and more than 80 countries opposed the politicalization of virus traceability as a letter and a statement; ChinaThe Commission has frustrated anti -China human rights operations seven consecutive times, forming a strong momentum of supporting China's position and opposing human rights issues as an excuse to interfere with China's internal affairs. At the same time, after unremitting efforts, Meng Wanzhou, who was illegally detained for more than 1,000 days, returned to China safely.

Ma Zhaoxu emphasized that China ’s diplomatic struggle is targeted at words and deeds that harm the national interests and national dignity of China, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, oppose hegemony domineering, and the international fairness and justice."We use action to tell the world that the era when the Chinese nation's slaughter has long been gone, and there is no power to stop China's development."

He also said, "We have the initiative to face the battleThe confidence, the bone qi that is not afraid of power, and the ambition to maintain justice. The Chinese nation cannot be scared, overwhelmed, and we are not afraid of ghosts and evils., Always be a loyal guardian who has the interests of the country and the people.