The controversy of "Normalization of nucleic acid detection" is still in the ear, and the "health code is normalized" surprised the Chinese people.

Chinese official media quoted a survey result that over 90 % of the respondents hoped that the health code played a more important role in the post -epidemic era.Essence

After verification, the above -mentioned survey was done in 2020 and belongs to the old news.However, in the past two years, events such as "unparalleled green code refusal", "health code system collapse", "red code" and other events are still worrying. If the health code is really normal, it will bring China's economic and people's livelihoodWhat influence.

The health code of the post -epidemic era should "play a greater role"

China official media Wednesday (September 28) reprinted an investigation report: after the epidemicThe "Health Code" may become more useful, signed by Wang Hong, a researcher at the People's Think Tank.

The article said that the results of the investigation report were obtained by the recovery of valid questionnaires through the Internet and WeChat public platforms.The survey showed that over 90 % of the respondents hoped that the health code played a more important role in the post -epidemic era, especially in the field of health, urban governance, transportation, and cultural tourism and entertainment.

China Official Media China Network Wednesday (September 28On the day of), Wang Hong, a researcher of the People's Think Tank, said that the survey showed that over 90 % of the respondents hoped that the health code would play a more important role in the post -epidemic era.(Internet)

The article states that the development and promotion cost of health code is huge, so the interviewees hope to continue to update and expand the scope of use of the health code to play a greater social role.

The article also states that the expansion and upgrading of the health code in the post -epidemic era is the general trend. It requires the macro level, technical level, and institutional level to connect more resources to play a greater role.

The screenshot of this report was circulated on Chinese social media, and many netizens expressed questioning and dissatisfaction.Some netizens sarcastically: "Over 90 % of support, catch up with Wudong's referendum!" Some netizens said: "What is the difference between this and the good people's certificate?" Some netizens expressed their concerns about public power expansion.

Old news reconnected

Hu Xijin, former editor -in -chief editor -in -chief of Global Times, who has long been active on Weibo for a long time, also opposed the "health code normalization".He wrote on his personal Weibo on Wednesday night that the health code means a huge management system that requires a lot of manpower to participate in the society. Such special special manpower investment and the collection of personal information.It is necessary to sleep after the epidemic.

Hu Xijin said that special circumstances should not be normalized, the more meticulous social management, but the best coordination of time -effectiveness.Some high -intensity management and mobilization measures during epidemic prevention should inertia the social transition after the epidemic, which is not conducive to the reasonable use of public resources and is not conducive to the full recovery of social vitality.

In fact, this "news" is a re -stir -fry. The above survey report was done two years ago. It was originally published in the National Governance Weekly on July 28, 2020.

China Network has deleted the report.Hu Xi also posted a Weibo again on Thursday (September 29), saying that he was not rigorous enough before, and mistakenly believed that the official media released the latest investigation report. He apologized to the reader and deleted the previous Weibo.

Although it has been confirmed that it is a resurrection of the old news, some netizens still expressed concern about whether the health code will be normalized in the future.

The results of the investigation two years ago were credible or not.The incidents related to the health code have paid more attention to everyone's concerns.

Normalization may bring problems

Normalization of health codes may bring many problems. Summarize the opinions on the Internet, at least the following points:

Waste of social resources.Behind the health code is a huge social management system, which involves human, material, and financial resources.The two -dimensional code logo of the production of public places, the person who arranges the person responsible for supervising the code scanning, and the technical maintenance behind the system, will consume public resources that have been stretched by epidemic prevention.

September 1st, in Shanghai NewIn the Century Hongqiao Kindergarten, medical staff are registering code before nucleic acid testing for children.(China News Agency)

It brings inconvenience to the people's life.If you scan the code from time to time, you may not only slow down the speed of social operation, but also delay more important things.For more than two years, many people have encountered things that have been trapped in a certain place because of failure to refresh or wrong pop -ups.Other people were rejected by the hospital because they did not have a green health code, delaying the treatment and causing a tragedy of death.

The risk of system collapse.In December and January of this year, the Xi'an epidemic prevention and health code collapsed twice, and citizens' travel and work were blocked.At the beginning of September this year, Chengdu's "Tianfu Health Tong" collapsed in a large area.If the health code continues to be used after the epidemic, and even expands the scope of application, once the system collapses, it may cause stagnation or confusion in the whole society.

The leak of personal information.The health code system is stored in important information, including personal data, schedule, and health status.If the "wartime status" of epidemic prevention is a last resort to collect information on a wide range of information, it is still done after the epidemic, and even the scope of the expansion is that the security of information is ignored.Once the criminals and even "overseas forces" are obtained, the consequences are unimaginable.

The harm of abuse of public power.In June of this year, a "red code" incident occurred in Henan. The health code that should have been used for epidemic prevention has become a tool to restrict the rights to restrict the rights of village and towns.If the use of health code is normalized and expanded, it will not be ruled out that local government departments and officials will use health code as a tool to maintain stability.

Some of Henan Village Bank of Henan Village Bank will go in June this yearZhengzhou's rights protection in Henan Provincial Congress was limited by the "red code" because of the health code.(Internet)

Epidemic prevention thinking cannot be continued after the epidemic

The outbreak of the crown disease is more than two years.South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan have recently relaxed epidemic prevention measures. Mainland China is a place where there are not many left still insisting on "dynamic clearance".This may be the upcoming mentality of the Communist Party of China's 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and there are also considerations to consider the crowding of medical resources after liberalization.But it is undeniable that strict epidemic prevention measures have caused a great impact on the economy and people's livelihood.Blocking, all nucleic acids, and passing the code of life are exhausted.

September 5th, in Guiyang CityThe delineated temporary static management zone, Yunyan Road Street, Yunyan District, Yunnan Garden Community, the immost -epidemic staff is guiding the citizens to test nucleic acid testing.(Xinhua News Agency)

Li Dachuan, deputy director of the China Health and Health Commission Medical and Health and Medical Management Bureau, stated on September 8 that the area where no epidemic occurred to conduct normalized nucleic acid testing.Public opinion rebounded.If it is said in the article of the National Governance Weekly, the health code must be used normalized in the post -epidemic era. Is there a difference between the end of the epidemic?

Epidemic prevention measures are means not the purpose, and the purpose is to return to normal life.China is on the key nodes from the epidemic to the post -epidemic period. At this time, it should gradually change its thinking, instead of holding the original management mentality unchanged, and even continue to the epidemic.If the set of epidemic prevention is "normalized", the "normalization" of economic and social life may be far away.