In the past few days, a large number of Ili people have appeared in social media such as Weibo and Twitter to ask for help, exposing local epidemic prevention chaos. For exampleShils of medical treatment, pregnant women who have been born, can not find hospitals to take birth, and the shortage of people's supplies.

When the crown disease epidemic is outbreak in China, Ili Prefecture, which has been controlled for more than a month, caused a rigid epidemic prevention measures such as the rigid epidemic prevention measures and the shortage of materials for the shortage of supplies.The local people asked for help through social media, and the official apology publicly Friday (September 9).

After a new round of local epidemic outbreaks in Xinjiang, Ili, located in the northwest, has implemented silent management from early August, which has been nearly 40 days.

In the past few days, a large number of social media such as Weibo and Twitter have appeared in a large number of Ili people for help, exposing the local epidemic prevention chaos, such as the humble and dirty and high fever of the square hospital, and the high -fever cannot be sent to the hospital.Laying on life, shortage of people's supplies, etc.

Governor Yiliayti Tuerson apologized at a press conference at a press conference.Liu Qinghua, the deputy governor, acknowledged that the problem of medical difficulties reflected by the people in Yining, the capital of Yili Prefecture did exist, and promised to rectify immediately to ensure that the people's medical needs during the prevention and control of the epidemic.

However, Yelxia Temon clarified that the news that "the old man committed suicide due to hunger" and "the community notified residents to prepare ropes at home to prepare materials, garbage, and nuclear acid."

The video previously passed on the Internet shows that there are high -rise residents throwing ropes from the windows to the first floor to pick up materials, as well as nucleic acid testing personnel to take a cloud ladder car for testing and control residents for testing.

Korla City, the capital of Baba, Xinjiang, also has a chaos in this round of epidemic. The local area has been closed for nearly a month since August 10.

Wang Qingyu, deputy secretary of the CCP Corla, apologized through a video on Friday.He admits that the local epidemic prevention and control measures are not accurate, and there are problems such as vulnerabilities in closed -loop management, slow flow traceability, and not timely adjustment of high, middle and low risk areas.

He also mentioned that there are still insufficient supplies in some communities, inadequate vegetable distribution, and even the phenomenon of raising prices, lack of two less dishes, and poor quality.

Ili and other places continued to control control, Xinjiang announced on the 7th of this month that it has been opened with scenic spots such as Kanas, Coco Totiti, and Nalati, which has also triggered criticism of "foreigners travel and local people to pay".

Zhou Yu (a pseudonym) who was doing catering business in Yining City told the United Zard that he had not stepped out of his house since August 3. At present, the materials are all distributed by the community."The supplies are very limited, mainly potatoes and tomatoes. There are very few types ... It's good to eat now."

August was originally a local tourist season. Zhou Yu's store has been closed for more than a month. In addition to 6,000 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 1,200) monthly, he has to pay 3,000 to 4,000 yuan to mortgage and car loans and carsloan."We make money by opening the door, let alone open the door now, and even people can't get out ... There is no income, do what to feed ourselves."

Ili Prefecture's sealing control has only received the attention of the outside world for more than a month. Zhou Yu said with emotion: "No one is concerned about small places. The people of Yili are not afraid of the epidemic, but the information is not disclosed.Pull away two people, don't know when it is a head. "

The "silent management" of the city is equivalent to the city's "silent management", which is a general measure taken by the local government after the outbreak.The public was asked not to leave home and launched frequent nucleic acid screening.Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, entered Saturday (September 10) to appeal that if a city must not have to do a silent managing management, he must make a quick decision.

He wrote: "It is more than a month of silence, which makes it difficult for the people to accept it. No matter how much urgent reason do that, people will feel that their rights are not respected, and many people just can't stand the body and mind."

More than a thousand new infected people daily in China have lasted about a month.According to data from the National Health and Health Commission, 239 local confirmed cases were added in various places on Friday and 994 cases of asymptomatic infection were added.

Wu Zunyou, chief expert of the Popular disease of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, posted and judged on Weibo on Friday. It is currently the "most severe and complex" epidemic situation in China since the epidemic of Wuhan and except the Shanghai epidemic.

The epidemic has been shadowed to the 20th CPC National Congress on October 16.Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and vice premier of the State Council, issued a "bottom line that firmly adheres to the bottom line that does not occur without a large -scale epidemic" at the TV conference on the TV conference of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism.

She requires that the requirements for preventing and controlling the epidemic and economic and social development are efficiently coordinated, and the requirements of "the epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe", and the 20th National Congress will be held with practical actions.This heralds that before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, high -pressure epidemic prevention will continue to prevent the outbreak from affecting the stability of the overall social overall situation before the outbreak.