South China pulse

Rural short videos meet people's multi -level emotional needs.The subject matter has become a consensus in the industry. More and more Chinese rural people are pouring into the self -media track to find a rich password, But for most creators, the road to monetization needs to be continuously explored.

Sister Fang, 56, experienced the first live broadcast of his life a few weeks ago.

In front of the camera, Sister Fang explained the pink ball and showed the entire process of production of common food "brown sugar" in the rural areas of southern China.In her speech, she had a strong place accent, and the brick stove behind her burned firewood.

Sister Fang's home is in a countryside in Shaoguan, northern Guangdong. On the short video platform, her self -introduction is "sharing experienced rural sisters."In recent months, Sister Fang has released some videos of rural life on the platform.Although these lack of video of the post -production were slightly rough, it did not prevent her from accumulating some attention. After the number of fans reached the threshold of the platform requirements, Sister Fang began to broadcast live.

"Friends also helped me prepare the lecture, but the first live broadcast, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak."

Sister Fang told Lianhe Zaobao in the interview that the first shooting video and live broadcast were inspired by others. According to her plan, after slowly exploring and accumulating some experience, I hope to devote themselves to the future.Live with goods, sell local local specialty.

Sister Sister Fang (agriculture, rural, and farmers) who are active on short video platforms (agriculture, rural and farmers), which are more and more in China, have become more and more in China in recent years.They recorded their lives with a simple lens, showed the rural scenes and customs of the north and south of DJI, and "divided into a share" on the self -media track.How much traffic can be attracted, and how much wealth can the flow be transformed from people, but in the context of the general slowdown of fans incremental fans, the phenomenon -level bloggers in the "agriculture and rural" field have frequently appeared, and they have continuously formed demonstrations.effect.

Hui Ran, a 21 -year -old sheep girl this year, has recently become a new Internet celebrity because of a short video of "Eight minutes to slaughter one sheep" and one of the many "three -rural" bloggers in China in recent years.

Huiran's parents are engaged in the breeding industry in Bayin Guo Leng Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang.A few years ago, she went to Xinjiang from her hometown in Shandong to help her home, and she was armed with more than 600 sheep every day, and gradually began to share her lives shepherd life on the social media platform.

Hui Ran and her short video have been tepid before, but recently a short video of the countdown of "Karcar" (Shandong and other local characters, which means slaughter) before the Gulbon Festival, made her within three days in three days.The number of fans rose 3 million.

The appearance is beautiful and sweet, and the seemingly fragile, the slaughter of the sheep came to start the crisp and sharp, with the title of "desert butcher".This strong gap caused countless netizens to be curious about her, and the lives far from the hustle and bustle of desert, herds, euphratica forest, and herders also inspired the viewers' vision and longing.The Douyin account of this shepherd girl has soared to 7 million.

Rural youth returns to hometown to engage in video creation

Under the wave of media, there are many rural youths who have worked outside the countryside for many years and did not realize their dreams. Finally, they returned to their hometown and began to engage in "three rural" creations.Most of them are the "amateur" in the short video field. They did not sign the MCN institution (similar to the Internet celebrity brokerage company). After the "wild" operation for a period of time, individual lucky people stood out, and they became the darling of social users with unique works.

The short video blogger "Zhang" who recorded rural life on Douyin is a 36 -year -old "single man" living in Yingkou, Liaoning. Previously, his work and entrepreneurial all the way were bumpy. He released the first video last year and started.The creation of a series of rural scene drama.

In his short videos, rural life is not poetic, there is no exquisite and beautiful, some are rural daily rural daily life such as driving rural collections, grabbing fish, chicken -raising rice, etc., Mottled enamel wash wash these "earthy" living utensils, but unexpectedly welcomed.

Only two months after the "agriculture and rural areas" have the road to the media, the number of "Zhang classmates" has exceeded tens of millions. Now it has accumulated more than 18 million fans.The top flow is called "rough version of Li Ziyi".The speed of quickly becoming popular is stunning, and it is also evaluated as "miracle that cannot be copied."

The experience of "classmate Zhang" has attracted official media attention from CCTV, People's Daily,, and commented that "more" Zhang classmates' "in rural revitalization".The Douyin account "People's Daily Review" also affirms its efforts in the production of short videos, which means that the lens of the "Zhang classmate" video is very professional, the rhythm is compact, no procrastination, and a large number of split mirrors.Still shooting, "it took all the thoughts."

Why continues to be hot?

The short videos of rural life are widely popular in China, and the popularity continues to decrease.Zhou Xiaopu, a professor at the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the Chinese media used to focus on the upper -level news for a long time. At the beginning of this century, after the appearance of the people's livelihood news from the zero distance in Nanjing, they quickly became popular in the country. Such programs awakened the public to the publicI want to understand the needs of folk grassroots life, and then continue to drive the popularity of closer to grassroots programs and works.In recent years, the "agricultural and rural" Internet celebrity blossoms have continued to emerge, which is the reflection of this phenomenon in the field of self -media.

Zhou Xiaopu pointed out that Internet celebrities represent the cultural needs and aesthetic needs of the people to some extent.Rural labor, no pollution environment, healthy lifestyle and warm interpersonal relationships.

She said that this has a strong contrast with the urban life with high pressure, fast -paced, and duplicate content, representing the dream and pursuit of modern people. Such short videos not only relieve the nostalgia from rural people, but also stir up the search for seekingBreakthrough city people's longing for simple and simple life.

Zhou Xiaopu pointed out that among China's major short video platforms, Bilibili (referred to as station B) has the smallest age, with more than 50 % of users as young people, but many "three rural" Internet celebrities gather onIn station B, there are millions of fan -level bloggers.This also illustrates from the side that short videos of the "agriculture and rural" are not only the nostalgia needs of middle -aged and elderly people, but also in line with the aesthetic and cultural needs of contemporary young people.

Under a short video of a hot rural theme, some netizens commented that "there is no mental internal consumption in rural areas, this is a yearning for life."Closeness".

short video of "agriculture, rural areas" meets the emotional needs of urban people

For urban people, short videos of "agriculture and rural areas" meet their multi -level emotional needs, and in the agricultural capital circle, agricultural technology and agricultural supply, there are more and more online and self -media.

Yan Fankun, a lecturer of new media training in the field of agricultural capital in many parts of China, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the self -media sector in China is currently divided into two categories.Go, including specialty products, fruits, etc.; The other is the promotion of rural industrial products such as pesticides and fertilizers. These two major sections are now increasingly using self -media.

Yan Fankun said that in the past, Chinese people should understand agricultural technology, national policy and policies, and all relied on government and media to promote. To promote fertilizer, pesticides or technical propaganda, employees need to be promoted aroundMany are implemented through self -media.

On the other hand, in the sales of agricultural and sideline products, the network channel also helps farmers sell products faster and bring economic benefits.

Yan Fankun has helped some companies incubate "agriculture, rural areas" in recent years.He said that from the media, the media is the fastest, the most widely touch rate, and the lowest cost in China's "agriculture and rural areas". Many companies have operated the self -media for one year, and they may realize the products that can be achieved in five years that can be achieved in five years.Promotion effect.Among Chinese farmers, about 80 % of them have downloaded short video software such as Douyin and Kuaishou. Through the video content in these softwares, external information is learned.

A good platform for national policy encouragement support

The "agriculture and rural" category continues to be popular, and behind it is the support of official policies.The Chinese government is actively promoting rural revitalization, promoting agricultural informationization with "Internet+", and promoting rural economic development.

In China's "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" (2021 to 2025) and the outline of the long -view target of 2035, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of digital countryside, build a comprehensive information service system for agriculture and rural areas, and establish a general agricultural information -related information universal informationThe service mechanism is benefited to promote the digitalization of rural management services.

Short video is one of the important parts of rural Internet applications. The content output and monetization of rural themes also obtain more traffic support from short video platforms.

Every video released by the blogger "Zhang Classmate Zhang" in Douyin in a short period of time has content with "#新 <<2022", "#<<", "#<<<"Tags, this is one of the rural plans of the platform. It is given more traffic bonuses for the certified "agriculture, rural areas", and the rapid popularity of "classmate Zhang" also benefits from these traffic tilt dividends.

As early as a few years ago, Chinese short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou began to support the "agriculture, rural, farmers" creators.In the past two years, with the intensification of various platforms in the sinking market, in order to attract rural bloggers to settle in, major platforms have launched their own traffic support plans.

At the first rural guardian conference in August this year, Douyin claimed that since the plan of bytes to move public welfare to launch a rural guardian plan, it has attracted more than 11,000 creators to sign up, involving more than 6,000 villages, Drive the sales of rural agricultural products exceeding 18 million orders.

Short video platform fast hands include the "Three Farm Fast Growth Plan", "Autumn Plan", "Planning Plan".The platform states that under the 2022 "Kuaishou Agricultural Technical Plan", from May to December this year, high -quality content of agricultural -related popular science knowledge teaching supports traffic support, invested 3 billion traffic resources to create 1,000 fast -handed agricultural technicians.

Under the support of national policies and the encouragement of platforms, rural creators who entered the "agriculture, rural areas" in the future are expected to be increasing.Rural youths like "classmate Zhang" returned to their hometowns to start a business to engage in self -media, and they are becoming a trend.

Douyin's data shows that 54 % of the "agriculture and rural" creators of the platform are returning to their hometown to start a business, of which 31 to 40 account for 54 %; followed by 24 to 30 years old, followed byMainly four types of people, migrant workers, college students, retired soldiers, and women.

Rural short video-

Open the door password of wealth?

Li Ziyi, a Chinese style blogger with hundreds of millions of fans worldwide, is now the role of rural youth to become rich. He has been named "the phenomenon of" Li Ziyi phenomenon "as" the phenomenon of Li Ziyi ".Revelation, find a rich password on this self -media road.

Some bloggers cooperated with government departments to help the development of local agriculture and cultural tourism industries.Zhao Yan, deputy mayor of Qianjiang City, Hubei, awarded the title of "Recommended Officer of Qianjiang Lobster" to the local Internet celebrity "Sanjiang Pot" in March;Local rural revitalization actions; "Kar Sheep Girl" Hui Ran also began to help publicize tourism resources in Weili County, Xinjiang, interacted with the local cultural tourism director to jointly promote Xinjiang Cultural Tourism.

But for most Internet celebrities, the realization of the realization is still advertising and bringing goods, especially the agricultural special products of their hometown.According to the 2021 Kuaishou Sannong Ecological Report, in 2021, each two "agriculture, rural areas" creators can get income; 10 months before 2021, the order of fast -moving agricultural products exceeds 420 million, and the sales of agricultural products are compared to the same period last year compared to the same period last year last yearIncreasing 88 %.

The "three rural" data report released by Douyin showed that in 2021, Douyin's rural videos received 12.9 billion, and rural video creators realized revenue by 15 times year -on -year.

However, for most "agricultural, rural" video creators, the road to monetization needs to be continuously explored.Yan Fankun, a new media training lecturer in the field of agricultural capital, pointed out that at the "three rural" self -media track, most of the current income has been monopolized by big Internet celebrities and professional planning companies. Most of the media creators have not returned.Although it is consensus to obtain income from the "agriculture and rural" from the media, and more and more rural creators have entered the game, there are not many people who really know how to operate, and generally lack of professional guidance.

In addition, rural videos are single, with similar or large -scale copying and imitation, which will also reduce the attractiveness of rural theme videos.Zhou Xiaopu, a professor at the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, pointed out that after a period of operation, some "agriculture and farmers" will inevitably fall into the development bottleneck of content homogeneity. From the perspective of the development of the program, similar content output is also very fast.It will bring fatigue, and some Internet celebrity bloggers have become silent after a period of time, which is a normal market reaction.

Zhou Xiaopu said that in order to maintain freshness and attention, we must experience the changes in the needs of the public, continue to break through in content creation, and achieve more extension.EssenceFor example, some bloggers add the drama plot in the video and try to use more lens shooting skills, which are beneficial to try.

She also believes that in the future, the market demand of the "agriculture and rural" video will continue. China is vast, and there are obvious differences between local customs and folk culture in various places.The folks have always been good at talents, and works that can seize the aesthetics of the public and meet the spiritual needs of the people will continue to appear.

For most Internet celebrities, the realization of the realization is still advertising and cargo, especially the agricultural special products in hometown.According to the 2021 Kuaishou Sannong Ecological Report, every two "agriculture, rural areas" creators in 2021 can get income; 10 months before 2021, fast -moving agricultural orders exceeded 420 million, and agricultural product sales increased compared with the same period last year last year.88 %.