(Berlin / Beijing Comprehensive News) Germany has reportedly considering formulating measures to reduce the attractiveness of Chinese markets to German companies. China has scolded it as "very ridiculous".Economy.

A package of measures to reduce or revoke investment and export guarantees for China

Reuters on Thursday (September 8) quoted people familiar with the matter reported that the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the German Economic Affairs considers formulating a package of measures, including reducing or revocation of investment and export guarantees for China, no longer promoting trade exhibitions and training managers in China.It is reported that the purpose of German officials is to reduce the dependence of this largest European economy to China.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Friday (September 9), responded to Reuters at a regular press conference: "If it is true, it can only be said that there is no relevant measures in Germany.Logic and very ridiculous. These measures have no benefits in terms of economic development of Germany or pragmatic cooperation between China and Germany. "

"We hope that Germany will adhere to a rational and pragmatic policy of China, and inject positive energy into high -level mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries and maintain the open world economy by expanding the two -way openness, instead of moving to stones to smash its own feet."

The German business organization is worried about the government's proposed measures for China to worsen the situation of German companies.German enterprises are currently facing problems such as high energy prices, shortage of labor, and supply chain interruption.

The German Federation of Industry and Commerce Trade, Treiel, said: "At this time, strategic cutting with our largest trading partner will further lose our export economy." The German Chamber of Commerce in China (North China and Northeast China)CEO Hidbrant said that for many German companies, the Chinese market is very important and cannot stop investing.

Reuters also reported on Thursday that Berlin was considering that with the members of the Seventh Kingdom Group, and appealed to the WTO on the unfair trade measures of China.In this regard, Mao Ning responded that China would defend his legitimate rights and interests.