Beijing is planned in Elementary and Middle School, Kindergarten School Gate and 10 meters in the exit of 10 meters in public places in public places.Parking facilities.Not According to the Beijing Daily client, SPAN> According to the specifications of non -motorized car parking facilities that are soliciting opinions on the website of the Beijing Transportation Commission, primary and secondary schools, kindergarten campus entrances and exits are within 50 meters;In the 10 meters of the entrance and exit of the place, 11 places are waiting for 11 places, and non -motorized car parking facilities should not be set up.Not According to the new specifications, 11 types of locations clearly should not set up non -motorized vehicle parking facilities within a specific range, including: barrier -free facilities such as blind roads and two sides; fire protection facilities, and other places that affect fire safety; water pipes; water pipes; water pipes; water pipes; water pipelines, Cable, Gas, and other municipal subsidiary facilities inspection wells; primary and secondary schools, kindergarten campus entrances; hospitals, exhibition halls, parks, stadiums and other densely flowing public places on both sides of the entrance and exit of public places; on both sides of the platform of the bus station of the bus;In front of the square; railway channel, entrance and exit of tunnels, and on both sides of it; road cross port turns, and other places that affect vision distance; road bands that are easy to grow water, water accumulation, poor drainage, or dangerous slope; other influencing personnel; other influencing personnelThe space for vehicles to pass safely.Not At the same time, the new specifications propose that three types of locations should set up non -motor vehicles to prohibit parking areas, and it is clear that the types of vehicles are prohibited from parking, including: Expressway main roads or other closed motor vehicle lanes; non -motorized vehicles are not set up without setting up non -motorized vehicles.Non -motorized lanes of parking facilities; take a key management area of non -motor vehicle traffic.Not New specifications also mentioned that for the prohibition of parking areas for bicycle sharing, modern information technology should be used to guide users to regulate parking vehicles.