The Chinese envoy in the European Union recently posted in foreign media that China's "debt trap" is actually a "discourse trap". The debt problem cannot be politicized, let alone a narrative weapon for one country to attack another country.

According to the official website of the Chinese EU EU official website on Friday (August 26), the Chinese Embassy in the European Union published an article in the media and other media in Brussels.Normal credit activities are an important means to promote the development of modern economy.The article also quoted Kenya President Kenya, saying that "debt issues are not debt, but how to use debt."

The article quotes the data of the World Bank International Debt Database, which shows that China is not the main creditor's rights country in low and medium -income countries such as Sri Lanka.As of the end of 2020, among the 82 low -income and medium -income national public debt structure, China accounted for less than 10%; while 80%of Sri Lanka's foreign debt came from multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and Wall Street investors, only its foreign debt accounted for its foreign debt.The total amount of 10%is equivalent to the share of the Japanese debt.The article said that China's loan has led to the debt crisis of Sri Lanka.

The article emphasizes that as the largest developing country, China to carry out financing cooperation with other developing countries is to help them improve their "hematopoietic capacity" and sustainable development capabilities; coupled with China does not interfere with countries to explore various countries to explore from various countries,The development path that meets its own national conditions does not attach political conditions in cooperation. Therefore, developing countries agree with China to carry out financing cooperation with China.

For example, under China's investment, Africa has built more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 100,000 kilometers of highways, etc., promoting local infrastructure and development;The annual cargo throughput has reached 2 million tons, which has promoted the economic development of the port.The article states that these all prove that Chinese debt is sustainable and friendly investment, and is a gas station for developing countries to realize industrialization and modernization.

The article also mentioned that after the outbreak of the crown disease, China implemented the Group 20 Group Slow Debt Initiative and signed a lush debt agreement with 19 African countries or reached a consensus on a slow debt.s country.In response to the debt crisis of Sri Lanka, China has provided Sri Lanka with the help of multiple batches, diversification, and benefit of people's livelihood; Chinese financial institutions also negotiate with Sri Lanka to express the willingness to properly handle debt -related debt in China and help Sri Lanka's current difficulties.Essence

The article emphasizes that debt issues need to be coordinated and resolved together, rather than becoming a narrative weapon."My debt is called investment, and your debt is called a trap." This is a dual standard and a discourse trap.

China is the main creditors of many African countries and Sri Lanka. In the past 20 years, the scale of China's investment and borrowing in these countries has continued to expand. Therefore, more and more voices have accused Beijing of implementing debt trap diplomacy.However, this is not the first time that China has approved the "debt trap" theory as "discourse trap". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin also criticized US Secretary of State Brillin at the press conference on the 18th of this month."" ".