(Taipei Comprehensive News) Former Mayor Lin Zhijian's thesis in Hsinchu City has continued to burn, and Taiwanese media people broke the news that Lin Zhijian's thesis was written by the assistant.

Assistant Yang Lingyi wrote.

Senior media person Huang Yangming Monday (August 15th) also continued to break the news in a radio program in the morning, saying that Yang Lingyi not only replaced Lin Zhijian's paper, but also went to class for him, and participated in Lin Zhijian's paper discussion.Tall than Lin Zhijian.

Huang Yangming also pointed out that after half of the writing, Yang Lingyi could not continue writing interruptions. Later, another assistant named Chen was taken over by another assistant named Chen to complete the signature of Lin Zhijian and has been identified by Taiwan University as plagiarism.

He also disclosed that in late July, the DPP staff learned that the papers were written by people through people. Lin Zhijian did not tell the truth to the party, but insisted that the paper was original.

The above news made public opinion in Taiwan, and some netizens pointed out that "this is more serious than plagiarism."

Yang Lingyi responded on Monday on Monday that about the papers, she had publicly clarified to respond publicly, "If there are other advice, welcome to the court."

The 47 -year -old Lin Zhijian was appreciated by Taiwan and the DPP Chairman Cai Yingwen. He originally planned to run the DPP mayor in the "Nine -in -One" local election at the end of this year.

Lin Zhijian was caught in the "Thesis Gate" in July. The National Taiwan University confirmed on August 9 that Lin Zhijian's thesis copied and revoked his master's degree; Lin Zhijian announced the withdrawal from the mayor of Taoyuan three days later.Fight.However, Lin Zhijian did not acknowledge the plagiarism from beginning to end, and Tsai Ing -wen also twice publicly supported Lin Zhijian to defend his innocence.