The Chinese military said that Sunday (August 14) began to send fighters to Thailand to conduct joint training with the country with the country.The military exercise of China and this American allies is in the United States to conduct large -scale military exercises in Indonesia.Prior to this, the PLA had just performed a real bombs around Taiwan.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Ministry of National Defense said that the exercise called "Eagle Strike" was the fifth exercise of Thailand and the Chinese Air Force.Regional security and stability.The Chinese Ministry of National Defense also said that the main training courses of this year's exercise include air support, ground assault, small -scale and large -scale use of military force, and mentioned that Chinese fighters, fians, early warning aircrafts, etc. are mentioned.detail.

The opening ceremony of this China -Thailand exercise was held on Sunday at the Uron Air Force Base in Thailand.According to the Wall Street Journal, the base has a long -term connection with the US Air Force and was widely used during the Vietnam War.

The United States and Thai alliances dates back to 1954, when both sides were worried about the expansion of communism.After that, the two countries have conducted extensive exercises, including exercises entitled "Golden Cobra", which later expanded to including other countries.China has also played a role in humanitarian activities.

Austin met with senior officials including the Prime Minister of Thailand and the Minister of Defense Bayu when he visited Thailand for the first time as the US Minister of Defense in June.According to the US report, the two welcomed the efforts of expanding bilateral training and exercises and discussed the cooperation between the Internet and the space warfare and the defense industry; the report emphasized that the United States wanted to strengthen the interoperability between the two countries.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Paul Chambers, a lecturer and special adviser to the University of Naexuan University in northern Thailand., Thailand has been seeking balance between the two countries for many years.Without email, he said that the exercise may strengthen those who want Washington to sell F-35 aircraft to Thailand. These people believe that selling aircraft can encourage Bangkok to further tilt from Washington.

On the other hand, the United States has performed real bombs in Indonesia with regional allies including Australia and Japan in recent days.

This exercise called Super Garuda Shield gathered 2,000 soldiers in the United States and Indonesia, as well as personnel from 12 other countries. Some countries participated for the first time.A joint statement issued by the United States and Indonesian governments stated that the scope and scale of the exercise far exceeded the previous exercises, which aims to strengthen the interoperability, ability, trust, and cooperation based on the joint experience of decades.

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the above -mentioned Southeast Asian high -profile exercises involved in the two global opponents in the United States and China remind people that military tensions are increasingly shrouded in areas that are mainly known for their economic vitality.The United States has a wide range of military footprints in Southeast Asia, but China's influence has continued to rise, and its ambitions have continued to expand, making it increasingly challenging the dominant position of the American tradition within a limited range.

In addition to showing their respective military strength, the United States and China have also sent senior diplomats to the capitals of Southeast Asian countries in recent weeks, including participating in a regional organization meeting held in Cambodia.The other party is called the power of destruction and stability.It is expected that US President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend two summits held in Thailand and Indonesia in Southeast Asia in November. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the United States and China are committed to arranging two leaders to meet between the summit.