A number of Chinese Internet giants, including Alibaba, are asked to serve the government for filing algorithms. Western media said that this aimed to curb data abuse may lead to secrets of corporate leakage.

The official website of the China National Internet Information Office last Friday (August 12) announced the first batch of Internet information service algorithm filing lists, Tencent's WeChat, Taobao, Tmall owned by Alibaba, and Meituan, Meituan, Meituan, Meituan, MeituanInterest beating, Baidu, Netease and other Internet companies, a total of 30 applications of applications are listed, covering user data collection and personal recommendation customization in the field.

According to Bloomberg's analysis, although the public list did not disclose the actual code, it is unclear how much basic program information the Internet company revealed to the regulatory agency.

The list of algorithms that can be viewed by the public is limited to a brief description of its working methods, as well as its applicable products and use cases.For example, byte beating calls its algorithm can identify its preferences through user history, and recommend the content on the vibrato of the short video platform; Meituan.com said that its algorithm can be based on the rider's rest time and delivery route, so thatThe most effective way to send the menu to them.

China has implemented the recommendation of Internet information service algorithm recommendation management regulations that require Internet companies to disclose such information in March this year.Perform stricter constraints.

Zhai Wei, Executive Director of the East China University of Political Science and Law Competition Law, said, "The information submitted by the company must be more information than the public content, and it will include some business secrets that are not suitable for public."

Zhai Wei added that although the Internet Information Office only requires these companies to provide basic information, it may provide more details on the grounds of investigation of relevant data violations.

There are also lawyers saying that the announcement of this list means that the management regulations are progressing smoothly.

The algorithm can determine what users see on the software, so it is essential for attracting users' attention and promoting growth.Algorithms are considered to be the commercial secrets of many Internet service companies and are closely protected, and have always been the core of political disputes around the world.

The disclosure of the China Internet Information Office requires that China and the United States and other countries are very different; in the United States, even if the legislators claim to better understand how they plan content and management data, Facebook parent companyMeta Platforms Inc. and Google's parent company Alphabet Inc. still successfully argued that the algorithm is commercial secret.

China has been tightening regulations to control the expansion of domestic technology giants that have not been controlled.China has introduced the Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law in 2021 to formulate stricter rules on how the company handles user data.

According to the regulations, the company must also submit non -public information to the China Internet Information Office, including self -assessment of algorithm security, the data they collected, whether they include sensitive biological identification or identity information, and for it for for it forData sources of training algorithms.