The prices of new commercial housing in China in July hit the largest decline in more than six years.

The Wall Street Journal calculated based on the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Monday (August 15), in July, the average price of new commercial housing in 70 major cities decreased by 1.67%compared with the same period last year.Compared with the next June, 1.29%.

At the same time, the report has one more Chinese cities that have grown a year ago.Last month, the price of new houses in 22 cities in 70 cities rose, compared with 21 in June.

Compared with the previous month, the average price of newly -built commercial housing has declined for the 11th consecutive month.According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the price in July fell by 0.11%, and in June by 0.10%.

The chief statistician of the City Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, the Chief Statistical Division, said that the housing prices in the second and third -tier cities in July showed a decline in the month -on -month.

The number of cities with a month -on -month report decreased.Among the 70 cities, the housing prices in 30 cities increased from the previous month in July, below 31 in June.