Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, on Tuesday (August 9), held a talks in South Korean Foreign Minister Park Zhen, who visited China in Qingdao, Shandong, and said that in the next 30 years, the two sides must summarize useful experience and grasp the two countries.The development of relations is stable.Adhere to independence and not being disturbed by the outside world.

According to a press release published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi said during the talks that this year coincides with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.Confucius said, "Thirty stands".After the baptism of Chinese and Korean relations, it should be more mature, autonomous, and more stable.History and practice have proved that China and South Korea have always been a safe and common neighbor, and they have always been partners in need.The two sides respect each other, support, and achieve each other, not only bring important interests to the two countries and peoples, but also provide stability for the peaceful development and prosperity of the region.

Wang Yi emphasized that in the next 30 years, the two parties must sum up useful experience and grasp the stable situation of the development of relations between the two countries.It should be adhered to independence and is not disturbed by the outside world; we should adhere to good neighborhood and friendship, take care of each other's major concerns; we should adhere to the opening and win -win situation, maintain the stability and smoothness of the supply chain; we should adhere to equality and respect, and do not interfere in the internal affairs;Principles.These five "should" be the largest conventions for the people's wishes, and it is also an inevitable requirement for the trend of the times.China is willing to be with the South Korean side to adhere to the positioning of strategic partnerships determined by both parties and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino -South Korean relations.

China and South Korea also exchanged opinions on the "Sade" issue, explaining their respective positions, believed that they should pay attention to each other's security and concern, and strive to properly handle them, so as not to make it a stumbling block that affects the relationship between the two countries.

According to the press release of the Yonhap News Agency, Park Zhen said at the meeting that South Korea and China have a long history of cooperation. This year, the two countries have ushered in the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.Both sides need to build mutual benefit and Korean -China relations based on mutual respect.In the future, the Korean side will seek cooperation plans with Chinese side in accordance with the national interests and principles in the future.It is hoped that Hanzhong will be based on universal values and norms, carry out mutual benefit and win -win cooperation to achieve freedom, peace and prosperity.

Park Zhen pointed out that the Korean Peninsula and Pingping are facing unprecedented threats. The South Korean side will always adhere to the principle of completely nuclearization of North Korea, resolutely cope with provocation, and open the door of dialogue.It is hoped that China can play a constructive role for North Korea to give up a provocative dialogue.

Park Zhen also said that the international community is in a period of great transformation. Han and China have always maintained a close economic cooperation relationship. In the future, it is necessary to join hands with a new challenge through stable control chain.To this end, as a strategic partnership, South Korea and China need to further deepen the highest level of strategic communication. It is hoped that Chinese President Xi Jinping can visit Korea when it is convenient.

This is the meeting again after Park Zhen and Wang Yi held a talks after the Twenty Group (G20) Foreign Minister Association held in Bali, Indonesia earlier last month.