Longwan District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China plans to promote fertility plans, subsidize multiple children's families, and issue 1,000 yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 204) per child with three children per month until the age of three.

According to the Daily Economic News, the website of the Longwan District Government of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province released the news on Monday (August 8), and the Longwan District Health and Health Bureau of Wenzhou City answered Zhang Dongmei, member of the CPPCC member of the CPPCCAccording to the proposal to improve the supporting measures of the Youth Youth Planning Policy, Longwan District plans a 500 yuan parenting subsidy fund per child per child, and the three children will issue 1,000 yuan parenting subsidies per child per month until the third age.

The Health and Health Bureau of Longwan District said in a response that the Longwan District to speed up the construction of "Zhejiang has good education" and plan to accelerate the construction of a parenting friendly society to promote the long -term balanced development implementation plan, and by 2025, 2025, The fertility and breeding guarantee system is perfect, and the childcare and friendly society has basically formed, and the total fertility rate has steadily increased.

The above implementation plans listed by the Health and Health Bureau of the Longwan District include: Introducing normative documents for parenting subsidies and distribution to issue childcare subsidies for qualified two -child and three -child household registration families;The differentiated policy of children's family taxes shall be implemented in the special income tax special additional deduction of the cost of infant care service for infants and young children under the age of three.

The reply also mentioned that for some rural family and family and two female families before the implementation of the two -child policy, the current reward assistance policy continues to implement the current special family planning special family.Support policies, and dynamically adjust the support standards according to the level of economic and social development.

Faced with the decline in fertility rate, China has issued policies such as extended maternity leave, maternity leave, etc. to encourage fertility, and successively give preferential treatment to three -child families in terms of public policy.Policies, etc.