The world's largest photovoltaic company Longji Green Technology Energy Company fell below 100 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 18.5 billion).The industry will continue to face difficulties in the short term.

Comprehensive reports of the First Financial and Economics, Caixian, etc., the minutes of the investor exchange meeting announced on Monday (July 8) of Longji Green Show show that the current problem of mismatching in the photovoltaic industry is concentrated, and the photovoltaic industry is concentrated, and the photovoltaic industry is concentrated, and the photovoltaic industry.Paying in the depth adjustment phase.

Zhong Baoshen bluntly stated that this year will be a very difficult year for the company, and it will also be a difficult year for China's photovoltaic industry.However, he also believes that the company will take the lead in returning to the growth track in 2025, and will enter a recovery state in the photovoltaic industry.

He bluntly said that there are indeed many variables in the development of the photovoltaic industry. One variable is the uncertainty of many policies and trade environments, but if these uncertainty is excluded, it only depends on the current industry status.The price is the bottom.In the short term, the entire industry is unable to support prices to further fall.

When the price of photovoltaic components can rise, Zhong Baoshen said that with the current competitive situation, it may be about three months, and the price may be stable or slightly raised.

But he believes that in the future, the price will return to cash costs and manufacturing costs.As production capacity continues to be cleared, the price will return to manufacturing costs.Based on the current industry supply and demand relationship, only innovation can see prosperity. Without the interference with other accidents, there is no chance.

Reuters reported that due to the excessive demand, the Chinese photovoltaic industry, which has a world -leading Chinese photovoltaic industry, was forced to fall into a fierce price war to expand the market share, which led to the first photovoltaic company, including Longji Green Energy, in the first year this year.Losses in the quarter.

Longji Green Energy's net profit loss of net profit in the first quarter of this year was 2.35 billion yuan, which was regarded as a signal of the industry entered the "shuffle deep water zone". In the fourth quarter of last year, the company had a net loss of 942 million yuan.In the first quarter of 2013, he continued to lose losses for the first quarter.

Longji Green Energy's stock price on Monday was 1.78%lower, and the company's total market value officially fell below 100 billion yuan. In the afternoon, Longji Green Energy fell slightly.About 550 billion yuan to falling below 100 billion yuan, totaling 33 months.

It is reported that it is not just Longji Green Energy. In the face of the clearing stage of the photovoltaic industry, the funds are sold first.The stock price decline in the first half of the first half of the manufacturer exceeded the decline of last year.

During the continuous decline of the photovoltaic sector's stock price, public funds were significantly reduced to the photovoltaic sector, and the market value of the position was sharply reduced.According to the data of the Central Plains Securities Report, as of the end of the first quarter of this year, the total number of shares held by the heavy warehouse holding of public funds held a total of 4.097 billion shares, a decrease of 41.80%from the end of 2023.