According to the WeChat public account of the "Voice of the Women's Federation of Women's Federation", on the afternoon of October 25, the 13th Executive Committee of the National Women's Federation of China held the first meeting to elected the 13th Chairman of the National Women's Federation of China, Vice Chairman and Standing Committee. 当 on r is elected chairman of the National Women's Federation.

The meeting selected the chairman, vice chairman and executive member of the National Women's Federation of China in a non -name voting. Huang Xiaowei, Sang Ding Dogpam Deqing, Zhang Xiaolan, Ge Xiaoyan, Yu Yanhong, Xu Xiaolan, Ma Lu, Lin Yi, Feng Ling, Zhang Dongmei, Chen Hualan, Monman, Zhang Guimei, Wang Yaping, etc.Vice Chairman of Women's Federation. 40 comrades such as Marxist Jianjian were elected executive members of the National Women's Federation of China.

The first meeting of the 13th Standing Committee of the National Women's Federation of the National Women's Federation of China Selected Huang Xiaowei as the first secretary of the Secretary of the National Women's Federation of China, Zhang Xiaolan, Lin Yi, Feng Ling, Zhang Dongmei, Malaysian Jianjian, Song Li and Nai Yanfang are the secretary of the Secretariat of the National Women's Federation of China.

According to the Chinese Government Network, Yi Yiqin, Female, Bai, born in December 1959, Guizhou Weavern, joined the work in March 1977, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1985, graduate degree of the Central Party School, researcher.

Qi Yiqin

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Earlier, the chairman of the National Women's Federation was Shen Yueyue. In January 1957, she was a graduate degree of the Central Party School and a member of the Communist Party of China.He is currently a member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and vice chairman of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

According to the official website, the National Women's Federation of China was established on April 3, 1949. It is a group organization that women from all walks of life in all ethnic groups across the country to strive for further liberation and development.It is the bridge and bond between the party and the government to contact the women and the masses, and it is an important social pillar of the state power.