Pan Gongsheng, the president of the People's Bank of China, proposed that in the next financial work, we must prevent resolving financial risks, maintain the steady operation of the market, and take measures in time according to the market situation to prevent the risk infection of the stock market, the bond market, and the foreign exchange market.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the People's Bank of China on Saturday (October 21), Pan Gongsheng was at the sixth meeting of the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress of China on the same day.The financial work has been reported, and the next step is to consider.

Pan Gongsheng said in the report that the next step must continue to implement a stable monetary policy, comprehensively strengthen and improve financial supervision, continue to improve the ability of financial services to the real economyResolve financial risks and focus on maintaining the steady operation of the financial market.

In terms of monetary policy, Pan Gongsheng proposed that it is necessary to maintain the total amount of money and credit, stable rhythm, and comprehensively use a variety of monetary policy instruments to maintain the growth rate of monetary supply and social financing scale growth and nominal economic growth rate.Matching, while optimizing the economic structure and promoting the virtuous circle of economic and financial.He also mentioned that financial institutions should be further promoted to reduce the actual loan interest rate, reduce the comprehensive financing cost of enterprises and personal consumer credit costs, and effectively play the role of market -oriented adjustment mechanism for deposit interest rates.

In terms of financial supervision, Pan Gongsheng said that it is necessary to strengthen prudent supervision, strengthen the supervision of system importance financial institutions, improve the group governance and risk management and control of overseas subsidiaries.At the same time, all kinds of financial activities must be included in supervision according to law, emphasizing that financial activities must be licensed, and "driving without licenses" and over -range operations are strictly prohibited.In addition, we must strengthen the construction of financial rule of law, accelerate the legislative work of the Financial Stability Law, and strengthen the construction of financial anti -corruption and talent teams.

Pan Gongsheng pointed out that we must adhere to the fundamental purpose of the financial services to the real economy, focus on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence, meeting the effective financing needs of the real economy, and improving financial services for weak links.He emphasized that it is necessary to treat state -owned enterprises and private enterprises, strengthen financial services for private enterprises, and at the same time strengthen economic transformation and upgrade financial support, and increase support for high -level technology self -reliance.

In terms of financial reform and opening up, Pan Gongsheng emphasized that it is necessary to optimize the structure of the financial institution, deepen the reform of policy banks, promote the return of small and medium -sized banks to the origin and main business, and steadily and orderly promote the transformation and development of the trust industry.In the reform of the financial market, we must actively develop a multi -level equity market, promote the reform of the registration system, further improve the quality of listed companies, strengthen the construction of the bond market, and improve the supervision system and mechanism.

Pan Gongsheng also proposed that it is necessary to promote the formation of normal and sustainable Sino -US audit cooperation mechanisms, deepen cooperation with the Hong Kong capital market, and at the same time study and launch a package of cross -border trade investment facilitation policies to further promote the convenience of trade foreign exchange facilitiesPolicies and measures such as Hua.He also said that it is necessary to promote the internationalization of the RMB steadily and orderly, build a system for preventing and controlling the prevention and control of overseas investment risk, and maintain the safety and scale of foreign exchange reserves assets.

Pan Gongsheng emphasized that it is necessary to steadily and orderly promote the disposal of key financial risks, and resolutely keep the bottom line that does not occur without systemic financial risks.He demanded that the risk of high -risk small and medium -sized financial institutions should be resolved in an orderly manner, improving the monitoring of debt risks of large enterprise groups, continuing to steadily promote the disposal of stock risks;Risk policy measures, in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, guide financial institutions to resolve local debt risks in accordance with laws and regulations.At the same time, we will increase financial support for insurance diplomatic relations, and one shall be regarded as Tyou to support the reasonable financing needs of real estate companies, and to maintain stable real estate financing.

Pan Gongsheng also proposed that it is necessary to guide the stable financial market behavior and expectations, take measures in time according to the market situation to prevent the risk infection of the stock market, the bond market, and the foreign exchange market, and ensure the steady operation of the financial market.