Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said that China is willing to promote greater development with bilateral trade and investment with the Gulf Arab countries, including promoting energy transformation and new energy such as clean energy and power batteries such as photovoltaic and wind power.Cooperation of the automotive industry.

According to the press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, China -Gulf Arabic National Cooperation Committee (SeaheAs) Economic and Trade Minister Economic and Trade Meeting Sunday (October 22) was held in Guangzhou.Budwavi, as well as the heads of the Ministry of Economic and Trade, Member State Economic and Trade of Oman, UAE, Barin, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, attended the meeting and spoke.

Wang Wentao pointed out at the meeting that the member states of the Sea -Hee by the Sea -Heman Association are actively promoting the diversified development of the industry, and the prospects of China -sea economic and trade cooperation are broad.China will actively implement the eight actions of China President Xi Jinping's announcement of high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road”, and work with Haifang to promote greater development with bilateral trade and investment.

Wang Wentao said that the two sides should jointly do the practitioners of free trade, reach the Sino -China Sea Free Trade Agreement as soon as possible, support and promote the reform of the WTO, and promote the success of the 13th Ministerial Meeting of the WTO;The pioneer of the opportunity actively promotes the operation of the Sino -China Co -Investment Federation, and supports the sovereignty wealth fund of both parties to carry out exchanges and cooperation in various ways.

He also said that the two parties should be a promoter of industrial collaboration, deepen the "oil and gas+" cooperation model, encourage and support enterprises of both parties to carry out industrial investment cooperation in accordance with the principle of marketization, promote the stability and smoothness of the industrial chain supply chain supply chain; Jointly do the builders of regional channels, consolidate and expand interconnected cooperation, and pragmly explore infrastructure cooperation opportunities in the fields of ports, aviation, communication, pipelines and other fields.

此外,中国还愿与海湾国家共同做绿色低碳的倡导者,积极推动能源转型,不断释放光伏、风电、核能、氢能、生物质能等清洁能源,以及动力电池、New energy vehicle industry cooperation potential such as smart charging piles.

According to the press release, the meeting focused on the implementation of the first China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Committee Summit's economic and trade measures to jointly maintain the multilateral trade system, promote two -way investment, deepen the industrial chain supply chain cooperation, enhance the level of interconnection and interoperability., Promoting the issues such as energy transformation reached a wide consensus, and passed the joint statement of the two parties on deepening economic and trade cooperation.