Suning Period Global Global released on Friday (October 20) that the company's chairman Zhang Guiping was suspected of short -term transactions due to his spouse's purchase of Gujing Gongjiu stocks and was filed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

According to the surging news report, the announcement shows that Suning has recently received Zhang Guiping, chairman of the company, informing that due to the non -company matters, Zhang Guiping received a notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission Anhui Regulatory Bureau.Essence

The content is: During the independent director of Zhang Guiping as an independent director of Anhui Gujing Gongjiu Co., Ltd., his spouse traded Gujing Gongjiu stocks caused a short -term transaction, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to file a case.

According to the announcement of the short -term transactions and apology disclosed by Gujing Gongjiu on February 19, 2022, Zhang Guiping was an independent director of the Gujing Gongjiu. His spouse Wu Zhaolan, February 9, 2022On February 10th, I bought 30,700 shares of Gujing Gongjiu shares in a concentrated bidding manner, with a transaction value of 6.951 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1.3.05 million);Japan sold 30,700 shares of Gujing Gongjiu stocks in a concentrated bidding, with a transaction value of 7.1603 million yuan.

After understanding, Zhang Guiping did not know the relevant situation of Wu Zhaolan's stock transaction before and before and after the transaction, Zhang Guiping did not informed Wu Zhaolan about the company's business conditions and other relevant information.The trading behavior Wu Zhaolan did not fully understand the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and made an independent investment behavior based on the judgment of the secondary market.

In response to the above matters, Zhang Guiping and Wu Zhaolan have announced an apology and actively corrected. Wu Zhaoran has been profitable to Gonggong Wine on February 12, 2022 on February 12, 2022.

Because of the above matters, Zhang Guiping was given a criticism and punishment by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 10, 2022.

The announcement also said that Zhang Guiping received the above -mentioned case notification. The book was caused by the period during the independent director of Gujing Gongjiu.It affects the company's operational activities and standardized operations.